Mage Tower Artifact Appearances

im merely pointing out what you were saying thats all.

Selecting a bunch of random out of context quotes, does nothing.

Again, I’m going to ask you to leave me alone.

i’m merely pointing out what you were saying thats all.
Please dont bully me anymore and i beg you stop attacking me this is personal now.

Okay let’s make a deal.

If you stop bullying me, stop quoting out of context quotes. Stop calling me silly, :clown_face: and referring to me as “what they are dealing with”, and in fact any other derogatory remark.

I haven’t made any personal attack on you. But I have called you out on what I consider to be unnecessary behaviour towards me.

I will completely stop responding to you in this thread, and you will have that last word of “okay it’s a deal! lets move on”, if you promise not to make any more derogatory remarks and anything that I might conceive as bullying or offensive.

I already begged you and politely asked you to stop with the bullying,you’re making it personal attack on me.
I was merely pointing out what you were saying,thats all.

What is funny is that you didn’t accuse me of bullying (which I’m not), until I asked you to leave me alone.

I’m happy to leave you alone. In fact I even just offered you an exit. All I want is for you to apologies for your actions towards me.

But that’s not all you did was it:

You also had to add a few degrading remarks to your quotations. That’s bullying.

I’m happy to end this conversation, I really am. I offered you an exit which you declined. So I’m going to continue to defend myself.

Please dont bully me anymore i was merely pointing out what you were saying.

I’m not bullying you.

You on the other hand said:

Which itself is bullying me.

Now if you would like to apologise for your comments, we can move on.

i politely beg you please stop bullying me i was merely pointing out what you were saying thats all.

But that wasn’t all was it?

Now, I have asked you to stop responding to me and to stop bullying me. Stop trying to turn it around. And stop derailing this thread please.

i was merely pointing out what you were saying thats all,please dont bully me anymore i beg you please stop making it personal.

I wasn’t the one that made it personal.

I think the point it becomes personal was when you said:

i was merely pointing out what you were saying,please stop it dont make it personal please dont bully me stop with the attacks on me.

Again, unnecessary, out of context quotations. I think I have found the forums troll here.

I’ll keep him occupied, so he can’t upset anyone else.

well if i had to guess they will allow that with legion remix .

that would be the perfect oportunity for that.

still i think people dont rember how tedious was doing mage tower on all possible specs. i gave up after obtaining like 15 or 20 because at the end of day it was just not worth to go for all 36 since lets be honest - most of them were mediocre at best.

what people mostly wanted was like warbear , flail transmogs and few others most noticable ones - rest was just meh .

so unless they let peopel buy them for currency people will whine again on forums about that mgae tower is to hard .

That’s what people hoped for the Mist Remix and the challenge mode sets. But that also didn’t happen.

What is out of context is you saying “I was merely pointing out what you were saying that’s all”. Because that’s not all you were saying was it?

No, you call me a series of offensive slurs to go along with it. the quotes I have presented in past comments are things you said attached to you “merely point out what I was saying”. To emphasis how you chose to bully me and personally attack me.

Which I perceived as bullying and harrassment.

Which you refuse to apologise for. So you much have meant it.

No, they are flawed because you fail to back up your claims and statements with facts, make self-contradictions constantly and ignore any real argument in this discussion made against you.

I am simply debating your statements by pointing out where you contradict yourself, and making arguments myself for why the things I want to be changed, should be changed. You fail to actually engage with that part of the conversation, entirely skipping over arguments I’ve written to counter your claims, as if you didn’t state them in the first place.

This makes it extremely difficult to engage in a proper conversation, because we’re not here to just hear an opinion that can’t defend itself.

Why would it be so, my comments are entirely coherent and self-explanatory…?

The game has changed several times through its inception, the game is best when it makes changes for the better of the majority of the player base.

This particular topic is being brought up significantly through out the times since the original MoP Challenge Modes, it gets discussed much in many forums across the web, Reddit, here, Facebook, many places.

Which means a significant portion of the players, want this change. An increasing number in fact, since many new players don’t enjoy being excluded from things.

Oh my God, dude. If you’re not comfortable with people bringing up your statements on a public forum then I don’t think you should type them in the first place?

It’s not stalking by the way, forum info is public lol

Jesus Christ dude just ignore and get off, you’re doing it to yourself now. Stop acting like a child that needs protection, you’re pathetic acting like that.


I was merely point out what you were saying,please dont harras me anymore i beg you.