Mage Tower Artifact Appearances

Well that’s because you’re stating my opinion is:


  1. An opinion is an opinion. So it doesn’t require support from any Facts.

But if you want a Fact. Time limited rewards have been in the game since the games conception. It is how the game has been designed.

I can elaborate further but a) I’m not really in the mood, this thread is already over a week long, and b) you’re going to deny it anyway, because it doesn’t fit your narrative. (edit: actually I did elaborate further earlier in the thread, if you go back and have a read).

  1. I have not made any contradictions. I am very clear on what I believe on this topic. I have acknowledged other peoples opinions and where they are coming from, but that is not a contradiction. That is just respecting other people. I think more likely you are looking for cracks to help prove me wrong in some way. Even though I have not claimed to be right, I just have an opinion on what I enjoy about WoW.

  2. I have had plenty of discussion on this topic and over the week. But you chose to come along late after I had grown tired of discussing the topic.

You’re more than welcome to discuss the topic, but I please just ask that you read my opinions and take them as just my opinion, and respect that I am tired and would like to move on to greener pastures.

I’m not failing to engage in conversation. I have already been part of the conversation, but would like to leave the conversation and move on. That’s not a win for one side, or loss for the other. I haven’t let go of my opinions. It’s just that I have said my part, I have discussed my part with others before you. It’s been a few days now, and I would like to think about other things. Will you respect that please?

Ofcourse and as I discussed with Tah earlier:

This change would improve the experience for some, but at the cost of the experience of other players. That’s why it’s not a good change.

As a generalisation, I think that the forums, reddit and other online dicussion places, tend to attract a certain kind of player, that doesn’t not fairly represent the player base as whole. You only need to look at r/WoW to realise that only a certain people are welcome there.

So whilst it might be a popular topic on the forums. That doesn’t mean that people will be happy with the change as a whole.

I’m not remotely uncomfortable with then quoting me. I stand by those comments.

Whilst I do think it’s unnecessary, as I am able to speak for myself. What I’m actually uncomfortable with is the additional comments that went along with it:

If you think that is acceptable behaviour when discussing someones opinion, then you are just as bad as they are.

Whilst I appreciate you paused your attack and came back with a better thought out response. You were still acting childish yourself earlier on.

I still firmly feel that you previous response to me was purely attacking my opinion because you didn’t agree with it. You said my logic was flawed because it didn’t fit your narrative. You claimed my arguments were based on my feelings… well, guess what… so are yours.

Also you refused to let me leave the conversation when I said I was tired and wanted to move on:

I also said:

Yet you continued your pursuit to attack me, rather than just letting me move on.

So maybe it’s time to calm down. Respect other peoples opinions. Don’t pick it apart because it doesn’t fit your own narrative. And when someone has said that they would like to move on from a conversation that they have participated in, stop responding to them, respect their opinion as their own, and let them move on.

Thank you, i’v been trying to tell you that all along.
I was merely pointing out what you were saying.
Glad you stopped harrasing and bullying me.

I’m pretty sure that was my suggestion. Anyway, I won’t respond to you again unless it’s an apology. Have a good night .

I was merely pointing out what you were saying thats all,good night and thanks for stopping with harassment.

Yes, and to better understand an opinion it needs to be explained, which you have conducted poorly.

Your whole stick is that

But that is entirely conjecture, seems way more people with or without the appearances in most of the forums, wouldn’t mind if they came back.

Blizzard themselves uses these same forums to a great extent, that is a known fact. You’re saying Blizzard is wrong looking to their own and other forums for opinions from their players?

What other metrics do you believe are better, if not the written feedback of their player base?

I never said I condoned it. There’s this thing on the forums, it’s an ignore button? Stop engaging with people if you don’t like them.

I am not the one failing to explain my feelings properly on this manner. Your feelings also really doesn’t matter to the rest of the community, it’s not exactly useful to others but you.

Still didn’t attack you, you were failing to explain your perspective properly.

I am not doing anything to you, you are absolutely free to stop responding or put me on ignore, I have merely pointed out what I perceive to be faulty logic and irrational statements.

You should probably take your own advice bro

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Rather than just saying “Hey, I don’t agree with you opinion, but you do you”, you have decided to come out with a lengthy reply again. You will always be able to find flaws in an opinion that you don’t agree with.

Look, I have stated multiple times that I am done discussing this topic and would like to move on. Please respect that!

As I have already stated:

So please just realise we are on different sides, you’re not going to change my opinion. So let’s just forget that and move on. If you keep making lengthy replies to me, you’re going to get one back from someone who is tired about this topic and doesn’t care anymore.

As I said ages ago. I just came here to make my opinion heard to the OP, and respond to people who respond to me.

All you need to do is say “sorry I don’t agree with you”. That’s all.

This one almost made me choke on my water from laughing at the irony :joy:

^ Basically “picking apart” and undermining the whole FOMO aspect of the game…
And when met with an attempt at a proper constructive perspective:

You decided to double down:

You see… The funny thing about the above quote right… When I used alcohol and cigarette marketing as an example YOU gave this answer:

So when you talk about substance addiction, it’s okay… When I compare the two, you neglect it, blame the people that may suffer from addiction xD But sure… You’re the one “sane human” that reflects on other peoples situations, and tries to understand where they come from instead of ridiculing them and saying “Huurr durr they just need to change habit!” :joy:

I will point out again… There is a whole study on the subject… If it was “only a few days to form new habits” then we wouldn’t have such a broad problem… And to be more precise… It takes (according to research) about 2 months to form a new habit… But sure, using yourself as a source, it’s only “a few days”

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I’d like to say, that I felt you were good with your discussion earlier on.


FOMO is in your head. It’s a you problem.

Substance abuse, and gaming addiction are two completely different levels. There is help for both of them.

Gaming addiction is something you can start though, click the off button if it’s becoming a problem.

But again, people who have self control shouldn’t lose out on something enjoyable because of people who don’t. That is why Alcohol isn’t illegal. The majority of people can enjoy it without repercussions. (although as a non-drinker, I can say that life is much better without it). For those who have a problem we encourage them to get help.

Just like this conversation, it’s hard to hear at first, but once you realise you need help its makes it much easier.

21 days to correct you.

I created the original post as I would hope, probably in vain, that Blizzard might open up the rewards so I, and others like me can do the challenge like everyone else did.

Everyone should have try opportunity.

Unfortunately, the challenge will never be the same as it was originally. The game, the specs and player power and everything has moved on too much. They will never get it to feel the same way. that’s the reason why they changed the rewards for the new MT.

If that is the stance you’re going to take:
Being unhappy because other players can get things you have, is in your head. It is also a you problem.


Brother… Let me try to be more clear:

I will repeat my earlier point; Alcohol commercials are in a lot of european countries banned on television… Cigarettes are behind curtains at stores in the nordic countries…
There is a reason behind this…

Thats not the point jesus christ… The problem is a company uses PSYCHOLOGISTS to TARGET those people… You know, the people that STRUGGLE… So dumbing it down to “Oh they should just stop??” is like promoting alcohol etc. to addicts that we DON’T do… That’s my point…

According to what source? Please share

Mate, if you feel targeted it’s time to admit you have a problem and turn off the computer.

That’s all you need to do.

Nobody is “out to get you”. That’s the most tinfoil hat idea I have ever heard.

They add these things to make the game more enjoyable, and the promote the game and encourage engagement.

If it’s causing a problem, then that person should get help.

Google. anything from 18-265 days.

But in general consensus, people always say it takes 3 weeks (21 days) to make a new habit.

But I noticed you ask for my source, but didn’t share one yourself.

I know it will never be exactly the same, and you can take pride in that achievement, but to deny someone old content is not fair.

Alas, it will probably be the case for Legion Remix. Imagine how many people will be annoyed at that. Oh, wait, people are quite excited for it.

Let’s enjoy the game we all clearly love.

Brother… Are you serious now? :joy:

How is it “feel targetted” when:

See this is where you lose on the “Sane person” idea…

“This allows them to predict community reactions and manipulate players through game design”

https:// us.forums.blizzard. com/en/d4/t/this-guy-is-110-right/92821

Yep, read the study… Because they DEBUNK your whole 21 days.,.

Let me quote:

"In other words, if you want to set your expectations appropriately, the truth is that
it will probably take you anywhere from two months to eight months to build a
new behavior into your life — not 21 days"

Source: James Clear

The same guy you took the “18-265 days” from. READ THE ARTICLE INSTEAD OF THE FIRST FEW WORDS :joy: :joy:

And btw… “Google” as a source… LOL

I think Blizzard work very hard to create enough content each expansion keep the player base occupied. There seems very little reason to be going back and doing old content anyway.

But a the amount of content that has been removed is minuscule compared to what is still available. It always seems to be the trophies for completing challenges that people want to have.

Don’t mis-quote yourself.

Again, if you feel targeted. Then you know what to do.

I appreciate Blizzard and other companies hire professionals to help with improving entertainment and engagement. But you’re wearing your tin-foil hat a little too proudly I think.

Well done :joy:

Now you’re off to name call me? :joy: Oooooh the irony

Oh and nice you skipped the whole “habit” part… Easy to do when you’re “general consensus” is from the 1950’s and debunked :joy:

Ah well… Now I’ll bounce! Now people can see who they are dealing with :slight_smile:
Someone that will play the victim and someone who want’s a proper discussion, when in reality all you do is stick your fingers in your ear, name call and wave off any article and science paper thrown at you :joy:

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I’m not name calling you.

I’m suggesting that saying Blizzard are hiring psychologists to target you, is a tinfoil hat theory.

If you take offence to that, I apologies, because non is intended.