Mage Tower Artifact Appearances

Sure if that makes you happy :slight_smile: I’ve shown who you really are.

The fact that you can even write:

Without feeling a little bit wrong having called my comments “tin-foil” belittling me all the way through, is laughable… Not once… not twice… THREE times did you belittle me in the same way, yet you want “mature way without trying to belittle” ? Laughable.

You are a bully, that likes to be hypocritical, and when you don’t have anything left you play the victim making obscure accusations.

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So am I:

Funny that.

All i was doing was merely pointing out what you were saying.
Please dont bully anymore

So calling my opinion flawed and contradictory is not the same?

I’m only treating you how you have continued to treat me! Except with 100 times more respect. At least I can acknowledge that you are entitled to a difference of opinion. You’re straight up attacking me for having one.

At least I presented you with a fair and reason response as you why 1 single theory you presented was a little bit tinfoil. But you just went off the wall as if I was the problem!

Get a grip mate.

It’s funny that you quote this, when it’s pretty much a description of what you’re doing.

Well played. nice deflection. You missed.

Actually LoL’d there, you seriously have to cope with several people calling you out for speaking nonsense, thinking it’s one person on several alts?

That’s wild guy, absolutely wild.

Then stop responding, it’s that easy? You yourself have some kind of weird superiority complex, you really do feel the need to get the last word.

You could’ve walked away from this multiple times, but instead you chose to respond to almost every single comment, especially the ones that are actually being out to goad you? Dude, you’ve said like 20 times you’re not interested in carrying on with the discussion, yet you’re still here, 50-something replies later.

If you think me calling out your factually wrong statements is an attack, you should take a break from the forums my guy. You obviously can’t handle people pointing out the fallacies in your logic, and have some weird compulsion to deny others’ perspective and views based on your own feelings.

Yes yes, you’ve said I don’t respect your opinion, but so far you haven’t given me an objective reason to. It’s illogical wanting something locked away because you personally don’t think it’s relevant, even though you yourself don’t even have access to this content, thinking you know better than a majority of the player base, what is better and more healthy for the game.

That is not a healthy discussion, that is totalitarianism.


U gonna twist more words?

This really just shows it.

You truly are something.

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No offense but you guys turned a great thread into a crapshow.

Hundreds of replies just arguing for the sake of arguing. We actually had something good going around here.

You can relax now or take this somewhere else. Don’t get this thread closed because a stranger made you angry tonight.


Not that much of a stretch, my guy.

True enough.

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Good night .

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I’m not speaking nonsense. I’m sharing an opinion.

If 3 people are “calling me out” for having a different opinion. That’s bullying on their part.

I want out of this thread.

But if you guys respond to me, with personal attacks, I deserve the be able to defend myself.

You’re trying to bully me off an opinion because you don’t agree with it, and that’s simply wrong.

Which factually wrong statement?

That it is my opinion that I enjoy having a game with Time Limited rewards. There is no claim that is a fact or fictional statement, it’s an opinion, an opinion that I am entitled to you.

You guys are calling me out on having an opinion that doesn’t fit with your own narrative. That is not healthy discussion.

Nah, you’ve completely lost it mate. You have no idea what you’re arguing about. Your pathetic attempts to try and wind me up are futile and you’re just making yourself look worse with every attempt.

If it makes you happy :slight_smile:

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Amen my brother.

I fully agree with you.

I just want them to respect I am allowed an opinion even if it differs from theirs. I’m chilled though.

NGL I’d take it more seriously from a main char and not a forum-dump alt.


Everyone is allowed to have an opinion and enjoy the game as it is.
That being said, any contributions are welcome as long as we stay on topic.

No offense meant to any of you.

This character is a forum character because I couldn’t switch to my main. It was a problem on Blizzard’s part. Since then I’ve stuck with it because you guys know me now.

Let’s not jump to conclusions, it can happen and there’s various reasons why some might not use their main.

In the end, privacy is important to some folks and we should respect that.

That being said, I’m done derailing this thread even more.

I’m perfectly happy mate.

I just find it funny that my perfectly fine opinion has cause “3 people” to lose it so hard that they feel like they are calling me out, rather than just respecting that someone has a difference of opinion.

I actually hate these threads for 1 reason. They always turn to Two polar opposite opinions which will never see eye to eye.

I realise that on the forums my opinion isn’t necessarily the most popular. So people like you come along who just sees red at the fact that someone might like the game the way it is. You completely derail the thread in doing so.

That means the topic eventually gets shut down, and nobody else can participate. That’s a win for me.

But personally, I would have rather you just respected my different opinion and let me carry on with my night.

Doesn’t help calling people and their opinions names :slight_smile:

Then respect mine and leave me be :slight_smile:

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Not that it has prevented you from religiously posting.