I don’t undertand what was the point of removing them to begin with. I guess this is why some people wants to rush and get everything asap because they remove things left and right… I hope one day they put it back as a reward for completing the mage tower.
Absolutely not. Some of us spent quite some time and effort obtaining them back in the days, so it would be extremely unfair just to add them back as-is, available for everyone. Either add some poor recolors, or just drop the concept of “unobtainable” stuff completely, thus bringing back to the game corrupted ashbringer, scarab mount, non-ranked and ranked pvp mounts, ZG-ZA mounts, t3 set pieces (not for 9999m gold), atiesh, benediction/anathema, etc
Well let’s not act like the mage tower weapons where that hard to get. I walked in there with my lock and just did.
It was quite the challenge when it was released but towards the end of legion it was not really a challenge.
See, I sort of get this point, and Blizzard are the ones to blame. Because they vocally beat on the FOMO drum over and over again around the midway point through Legion, telling everyone that once the rewards were gone - they were gone.
So bringing them back would mean that those who worried they’d miss out and poured their time into beating the clock would, in a certain sense, be done wrong by Blizzard if the rewards were brought back.
However - it’ll soon have been 6 years since the BfA pre-patch event, and the MT rewards being locked away.
6 years of exclusivity, ladies and gentlemen, is not nothing. I daresay there has been plenty of time to soak it in and bask in having beat the proverbial clock way back when. As far as I’m concerned, it’s time players were allowed a second shot at the MT.
Skill levels in players vary and some challenges were more demanding than others. I do get your point though - the tail-end of Legion was definitely an overall easier time than when the MT was first introduced.
I get that part. But the issue for me here, is they are already doing this?
To give an example:
Mage Tower V2 started off being a time limited challenge, people grinded for it, then they suddenly decided to bring it back and keep it in the game after they had initially removed it.
Feldrake mount was a TCG mount, advertised as only available through the card (Or via AH in game for tons of money), but then they decided to make it a Twitch drop…
Recent examples:
The red horse mount from the Trading Post this month was a store mount? People spent real money / converted gold into store credit to get it… Now they can just buy it in game for 750 Tenders…
What about the Obsidian Worldbreaker? It was the anniversary time limited mount years ago. It was marked to be removed from game, yet they decided this anniversary to bring it back to purchase for 20 Bronze
What I’m trying to get at is; They are already adding things back in the game that they had initially removed. They often do so, when they want to promote something or when the engagement is low, to lure back in people.
Problem here apart from the luring is, today if you do a new challenge let’s say Zekvir ??, you actually have the risk of Blizzard turning it into a Trading Post reward in 2 years.
They are inconsistent as to what or how they add these rewards back and that sucks.
So why not keep things in the game? Make people work for them still how is more content bad?
Currently I have nothing to do in game (I have all MT appearences) but for others like me that don’t, it would be perfect time to go back and try those challenges
And before the whole “but the game has changed from back then!” comment, yes. The game changes rapidly and continously.
Pushing for Cutting Edge 2 months ago is completely different from now with the new class overhauls and the new ring, but that we just accept.
Mage Tower v1 disc priest challenge was bang easy… You just went in there and face tanked the whole thing, so it’s not like everything starts off super challenging and become easier just because we moved a few years anyway? Sometimes things become harder
I think it is more of a matter of psychology, as if they do bring the originals back it sends a clear message to everyone that these rewards advertised as a one time thing will eventually return. The MT challenges were used as a form of retention tactic, and it stops working the moment they bend the knee and bring them back.
If the Legion Order Hall gear is anything to go by there is a decently sized community who’d be upset if these things were brought back. Initially the order hall sets were one to one recolors of the challenge mode, and in the end they had to be changed to exclude the wings from the shoulders and the extra sparkle from the belt.
I think recolors are the best bet people can hope for at this point.
As much as i want all the stuff removed to be back in the game, mop remix told us that cm rewards aotc mounts and stuff like this won’t be back anytime soon so therefore probably mage tower original appearences won’t be up either…
Hope that i’m wrong and we’ll see them again, i still need those dh warglaives… happy to have ret and feral druid ones
Just a small note here that while the mage tower did come back its rewards did not.
I think it was mentioned that removed store mounts will show up in the trading post at one point. People are not bothered by that part that much as there was no challenge associated to them, and generally store mounts always were viewed in a negative light.
While the Obsidian Worldbreaker was linked to the anniversary I do not remember it being specifically marketed as “one time only, never coming back” like with the mage tower appearances.
Now I may remember wrong, but I do not think we have anything that was marketed as “one time thing that will never again come back” that made it back just yet. I do not personally think that the TGC cards were ever advertised as a one time thing either.
Mage Tower V2 was also advertised as a time limited challenge, it was then removed but brought back to stay forever afterwards. My bad for not being clear on which version
Even says here:
https:// news.blizzard.com/en-us/article/23736141/shadowlands-the-mage-tower-returns-permanently
Started off being time limited only during the Legion TW event, was removed and then added back permanently
Yeah after the Trading Post maybe. But that mount has been in the game for years? They removed the bat mount during BFA, no trading post back then… My friend bought it because it was going to be removed and they gave a “Oh get it before it’s gone!” discount… Few years later = 750 Tenders in game
And I quote:
his limited-time bundle includes all pets, mounts, and helms that are about to enter hibernation in the Blizzard Archive on January 6, 2019. Get them all now, in one fell swoop, before it’s too late!"
It does say “may return later”, but we can probably both agree, that the psychology of it, is to create FOMO and the latter part being a safe guard so they can do as they please without legal trouble
It was. That’s also why it caused frustration for some people, as it was tied behind both a challenge and being time limited.
https: //eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/obsidian-worldbreaker-after-the-anniversary-ended/122345
Ah yeah, they also decided to bring back the Chorehound mount of course!
Above examples were. And not saying TCG was “one time”. What I’m saying is, they advertise it to be from the card game, but then switchs things.
So this currently is already happening. Only difference is, Blizzard gets to use these cosmetics twice rather than once.
1 time to retain players during low engagement times such as now towards the end of a season etc.
And 1 time later down the route, they have a lever to pull to add things back in the game to make people once again come back.
I hope all unavailable content returns.
It is the right thing to do, and it keeps people playing. End of.
Thankfully we can continue normal discussion on topic.
As puny said
And your links just confirms what punny is saying.
Exactly. What we are doing by gate-keeping the status quo is literally just turning the blind eye to the fact, that what we don’t want is already happening. But just in a sporadic manner that isn’t predictable.
Due to this I even postponed doing Zekvir ??, because I feared I would rush content only for them to say “Oh we have decided to keep Zekvir ?? from S1, so now you can speak to Chromie and do all season challenges!”
There needs to be consistancy, the whole “We will remove it… hihi we decided to add it back +2 good boi points to us!” is what sucks
I agree to a point, Anyone who did the mage tower with 50+ runs knows how hellish it was to do. That feeling of downing that sons of a biscuit was more releaf than joy xD
But thats WHY I want them to bring it back so other people can experance that for themselves having more people with a MT skin dosn’t mean it loses it value.
There’s no harm in returning something,add also recolors I wouldn’t mind.
Scaling is here, challenge is still there as i mentioned before it was more challenging in DF than legion (personally) due to not acces of legendarys/artifact
I agree 100% in some cases its harder now than it was back in Legion. In truth it comes down to how much the player base want it back. From what I cant tell from the 400 odd posts here it more people want them to come back than not, but ofc this is a very small sample size.
I understand why people dont want there hard work tarnished but the truth I think a lot of the casual player base would pass on it and people who desire it would bend hell and earth just to get a chance at earning locked items
To me, the MT rewards have a two-fold appeal. They’re arguably some of the best class-specific art to come out of Blizzard since the game’s inception - and they show that you, at least back in Legion, were pretty darn good at playing your class.
Neither of these points are diminished by others being able to earn them today.
I am pleased that this topic has got back on track. We can all share different opinions without it devolving into something toxic.
Yeah couldn’t agree more.
I wonder why it got back on track and im glad.
I speak from experience (personally) it was easier in legion and i did all 3 specs within 1h,while in DF it took me 4h i even made a guide on youtube how to do it.
And im glad they brought it back in DF it was more challenging,wish CM could return or even a new way to earn previous elite sets and glad mounts.
Something like they did with nax tier
This is my #1 point in this race.
There’s no reason to keep them locked away except to please some weird sub-segment of the game, that puts unhealthy amounts of value into pixels in a video game.
Return all rewards with the proper skill cap. Taking stuff away from the game hurts it in the long run, for newer players.
Another good reason nothing should remain locked away forever - T3 used to represent the pinnacle of unobtainables, they were (are?) the rarest cosmetics in the game, bar maybe the Black Qiraji Tank.
They were unavailable to everyone from WotLK untill MoP brought it back with BMAH (still no Corrupted Ashbringer, sad)
There’s absolutely no good reason to keep things out of player hands.