There’s ALWAYS people who won’t like a certain change.
So that means WoW can realistically never improve. And that’s silly.
So the devs have generally took the stance that:
If a change makes the majority of the players happy, it’s a good change.
If a change doesn’t (heavily) impact other playing styles, that change can go through despite maybe a few complaints.
Those things are what they generally do.
And honestly: I believe you to be in a minority.
Sucks for you if that’s true, but you’ll just have to accept it.
I have had to deal with that on numerous occassions throughout WoW’s existence.
And I’m still here.
You ‘feeling good about time limited rewards’ simply isn’t a good reason when the majority of people feel otherwise.
A few nay-sayers shouldn’t stop Blizzard from doing what’s good for the game overal.
I’m reminded of the WoD model update to our characters. I won’t say that all the criticism regarding the models was unwarranted, but a lot of it was very much a dislike of change.
Then stop engaging with them…? You kept going all night discussing with these people, that’s literally no one’s fault but your own.
You’re right, we won’t ever be able to outscale it with LFR gear, ever again.
Why do you keep dodging around this, you’re not even making proper sense with the arguments you’re presenting.
If anything it will feel more right to earn them this time around, with continued tuning and fixes.
You can, that opinion just doesn’t make sense, considering we’re a good amount of players feeling the game needs more content, and your whole argument hinges on there being enough content every cycle, which is proven to, again, be wrong, in due part by participation numbers.
One only needs to look at the Q times.
You’re aware that you don’t have to respond to anyone, right? You could’ve walked away multiple times, the only thing you have proven is your inability to walk away from the discussion.
That’s on no one but yourself.
How exactly?
You said you bought Legion because they advertised MT appearances.
You didn’t do MT, so you didn’t get the appearances.
You’re still, however, defending the exclusivity of these appearances, even though you haven’t earned them.
Tell me how that is contradicting myself? That is all your statements which I am discussing. What you have said, and I am pointing out the absurdity here - that you’re gatekeeping something you didn’t do, but had the chance to, according to your own statements.
Tell me how that is me contradicting myself, you seem so eager to point out where I am wrong about your claims, which I have quoted like, 7 times already.
Good, more items should be released to the player base.
What “perspective” is that you’re speaking of? I, again, would be able to understand if it came from a place of owning these rewards, but you don’t.
I personally have Elite PvP sets unobtainable today, and I see no problem with others being able to earn them. Why should we take your opinion seriously on the matter, when you don’t actually have any real argument? Because of your feelings?
No one here gives a damn about your feelings dude, we’re a community. We shouldn’t base game decisions on what weird petty internet strangers find acceptable, especially when they don’t actually have anything to lose.
If you think WoW would be a worse game for introducing old, removed rewards, you’re contradicting yourself again, because you have said:
So why does it matter so much to you then, if people can collect all the things or not? You said it yourself in a similar comment, WoW is more than just a cosmetic hunt, so why do you care so much to keep those cosmetics out of player hands, when so many players want them back?
You also mentioned something about there not being any new victims in your scenario? Except every new player that engages with these systems and discover that, there’s stuff that they just can’t get anymore.
To most, that is not a moment of awe. It’s a sour tasting moment, that you’re not being denied these cosmetics because you’re not good enough to earn them, which most players would be more okay with, no - they’re unavailable to you because you either weren’t old enough, or didn’t have a functional PC, or were in a coma, or whatever happened that prevented you from engaging with the challenges.
But WoW is not a bar. WoW isn’t some big motor event that requires a certain set of skills. It’s a video game that any chump with 20$ should be able to compete and have fun in.
Why take away content, just to please some basement dwellers that think rare pixels make them special? Because those are literally the only people I can see wanting to keep this exclusivity, fragile egos with nothing else achieved in life but a PvP title or a KSM mount.
Ah you see, I’m not a collector. Not like that anyway.
I don’t see cosmetics in a MMO as something I need to run around and collect everything, just to say I have them all.
I see them as a trophy to show off my character accomplishments, to show what my character has been through.
To me Wow has always been a game that progresses through time. By that I mean the world has its own timeline. Events come as the world evolves over time. And as each event comes and goes to pick up the odd souvenir along the way to say “hey I was there”. Kind of like in real life.
See theres nothing wrong with that, all power to you. I think the “block” for and against is the perception of said Items, take the mage tower skins. when you brake it all down there pixals on a screen nothing more nothing less, But its how every player sees them. The fact there limited time and hard to get tells players there some how special and they are.
But its how every individual sees them some want to horde them and to show them off a way of gaining attention and others also want them not to “show off” but to synergize how there character looks to them. I am a very visual person and as am looking at my character a lot if something stands out or looks wrong it winds me up, now add in the fact for some random reason there locked from me and theres no “good” replacement you start to see why I want them added back.
I could offer you a lot of good points as to WHY I want them to come back, but to you my points dont really count and thats ok if we was all the same the game would suck and no one would play, but I think it comes down to this more choice if you like something or not is never bad
The game wasn’t originally designed to be a collectors game. Which is why people like me exist. Who don’t get excited by the collecting.
Although I have dabbled with collecting in the past. The game is so over saturated with with collectables, what little fun it was, has disappeared. I just want to play the game now.
I just focus on the flex cosmetics nowadays… most of the other stuff is far too dull.
The vast, vast majority of things can be farmed. Old and new. And it always has been like that. In the beginning there wasn’t any ‘limited availability’ at all. First occurance of that was the mount from the ahn’qiraj event, if I’m not mistaken.
So tell me again how it was designed to be limited from the start?
I, actually, couldn’t agree more - for some reason I thought, that TS wanted them to just pop in some vendor’s cache for some shinies, I’m an ape, I can’t read.
If they bring MT back scaled and tuned (without it turning into a cakewalk in the next season), than of course, let ppl try it and earn it.
However, I will still feel that itching right below my spine if they only bring MT back. Part of me is craving for Corrupted Ashbringer, but another part understand, that it would lose all the exclusiveness, so Blizz has to add some sort of a challenge. Then my 3rd part (kek) steps in and says, that Blizz will simply introduce another gold-draining scheme, not realizing, that majority of those, who farmed billions in WoD, are probably long gone from the game.
That’s a me-problem, of course, but damn I still want them to either add back everything or nothing.
I think it’s always going be subjective, and players will fall into three basic groups: -
Share the love, it’s great you find enjoyment in the game
It’s mine, mine, mine, and you can’t have it
I couldn’t care less
I’m somewhere between 1 and 3. I still love my white grizzlemaw and at the time I was super proud of it, and all the other unlocks across different alts, but as Puny said that time of prestige is long gone years ago, plus it’s harder to beat the challenges now than it was then, so it’s hard to see what all the fuss about.
You are welcomed to earn them in MoP Classic autumn this year the way I did in original MoP as you can see by the mog of my warrior (also done on BDK, Ele sham, C rog and S Hun). I am looking forward to making runs on classes and specs I missed back then.
Some day Classic cycle will stop (probably in the end of Legion Classic were you are also welcomed to farm mage tower appearances) and characters would most likely be merged with retail database to promote people playing the Last Titan expansion.
Stop being like that and just accept that there’s many people who disagree with you.
You do not get to dictate anything. Your opinion counts, but if it’s a minority opinion, you are simply going to have to accept that you can’t always get what you want.
But you’re literally telling me that I’m not allowed to like how the game is in its current form, and I should just standby and submit to a change which will destroy the game for me.
I don’t really feel that I’m the unreasonable one here.
No I’m not.
I’m telling you (like you were telling others) to accept other people’s opinions.
Well, if it’s a change that’s good for the majority, it’s overal a good change.
Then there’s also: I don’t believe that it will destroy the game for you. Because I believe you are either greatly exaggerating or worse; lying. Since you’ve already admitted you do not have any of these appearances; you are NOT actually affected.
No? It’s not unreasonable to ask others to accept your opinion, but when someone asks you to accept their opinion that’s not okay? Does that kind of stance sound reasonable?