Mage Tower Artifact Appearances

What really bores me is how they handle all of this.

They start off with a “You better grind it out because in X amount of days, this will be unobtainable!!”

And then the playerbase and forums are flooded with complaints (See first edition of Plunderstorm) of how people don’t enjoy the grind and bla bla… But a lot of people grind it out thinking the items will be removed, not because of joy… And then Blizzard comes back with a “Oh hey… yeah… we added them back in the game! :)”

Only to repeat the same cycle… It’s a lose, lose situation for the player base… Add things in the game, and let people for goodness sake go at it at their own pace, and not some weird pseudo “challenge timer” to artificially pump up player engagement…


… but you went out of your way to get T3, and Thunderfury, everyone can have them. Even tho they used to be super unique.

Every single casual can get? I don’t see any single casual player with any mythic progression or cutting edge titles/achievs. Even heroic kills. Sure there exists boost, same as it exists in PvP as well, glad boosts is a thing,and same with RBG. But does a casual player have the cash/gold for it? not many, as it’s excessive amounts. So the point of saying every casual can get it, not really working out here man, sorry to say so.

But you still, again, got T3, (most likely) after it was unobtainable and brought back, in a way other people could get, same with Thunderfury. You probably also have went in and farmed some pieces from old content, ‘‘everyone’’ could get after it was easy. Everyone has, just admit it.

And you still can play at your own pace, and you get it. Even if stuff were to return, there still would be a lot of people not even close to getting the achievs/items anyway, due to lack of skill, many people who played during those expansions didn’t get it because it was to hard for them or lack of time. So it’s still unique. And could still become a challenge if they were to return.

Same with Naxx being the hardest raid in Classic, but hey, the sets are back, even some weapons to craft, and hey, you contributed to get it. Zulian tiger was also a thing, hey people can get it, same with the brutosaurus.

Cutting edge, world first raiders, can’t say those are not doing insane job at a pace, but look where they are at? 2 expansions later, and people can transmog farm.

So again, either lock all content then to be unobtainable, or unlock it all - weird to pick favorites to lock and not.

Just because you don’t do it, does not speak for other people who would.

As i said. I did try to find joy in having nice looking things which were unobtainable. Its boring. So i advocate to not return even more things. Which is why i said it wont bother me to remove the stuff.

Pointless to argue. I like the way it is.

Checked your achievments for fun, you still have done loads of old raids expansions later, so literally your argument about exclusivity is not valid tho.

Edit: you did tomb of sargeras not many days ago, soo…

My arguments are as valid as yours.

You did not check my achievements for fun but to find something to use as an argument.

Still i advocate for items to stay unobtainable.

Even make mythic items unobtainable after the respective season ends.

And even remove the tints from players who did not achieve them, including myself.

More out of curiosity, to see if you really mean what you said.

If you think that way, why do you go back and farm them?

I still don’t because the darn stuff won’t drop for me.

Using your logic, T3 should not have been available in the black market AH.

You are one of those people who wants to be able to access unavailable content but not other players.


Personally, I like to play the current game. the current Season, the current expansion. Exploring old content, and collecting old rewards is just boring to me.

So when Blizzard adds an incentive for me to play a Current event such as a Timed reward, it makes the content I am playing 1) more exciting and 2) gives the content an end point, and something to work towards.

If rewards like these (which I have none of), were left in the game after the season/expansion, then I would be more tempted to play lazily and just wait until a later date when I can overpower the content. That’s boring to me.

These rewards have nothing to do with Prestige, they have nothing to do with “gate keeping” rewards from other people. They are there simply to make the game more enjoyable. They work, that’s why they exist.

If you play the game differently to the way it was designed, then that isn’t an issue with the game itself.


So what you’re saying is, that the game itself is not good enough to keep you playing, so they have to artificially keep you engaged by adding time limited cool rewards in the game, rather than better the systems already in place? You see the problem here right?

That’s not what I said at all.

The thing is you talk about that you like to be good enough to obtain things before they go away.
That logic says I was not good enough to get attiesh before it was unobtainable.
I was literally not old enough to legally play the game.
Am I not worthy cause of my date of birth?

And to say blizz should just make new cool treasures for us. They just don’t do stuff like they did in the old days

If they were to bring back stuff, they would have brought back MOP challenge mode sets in MOP remix.

On the other hand, Remix did give us legendary cloak appearances.
Which were unobtainable.

Well, I think the Mage Tower was much more important to the overal Legion experience than challenge modes were to Mists. So it’s hard to compare the two.

It was the perfect time for it, but they could implement it later as well. How about now when mop classic comes out? Maybe they gonna make stuff bound as well.

Or later down the line in some way, who knows.
There is also different color tints of them, that never saw the light in the game.

but as one dude mentioned here , they did give us the legendary cloak appearances tho, even tho it is unobtainable.

And so? You have it as a toy, and it is visable only to YOU, no one around can see it lol.

Thank you for the completely useless reply.

And… your point is? I still see it on my screen, that’s what matters to me?


I cant tell if you are being serious or not lmao

Why not? I mean it got brought back in one way or another, so in a way, making the unobtainable, obtainable again.

Ok, let them bring back the MT skins as a toy then.