It’s the purpose though. That’s were you’re mistaken.
Anyway. I had this with the other guy.
I’m kind of bored of this old topic. So I’m going to stop responding.
You’re welcome to say what you like about it. Just like I am.
It’s the purpose though. That’s were you’re mistaken.
Anyway. I had this with the other guy.
I’m kind of bored of this old topic. So I’m going to stop responding.
You’re welcome to say what you like about it. Just like I am.
It’s okay to admit that you don’t have an argument, that you’re contradicting yourself and that your opinion is based entirely in an irrational and illogical mindset.
It just becomes really flawed when you base your whole involvement in this discussion on that, and refuse to even acknowledge any other points but your own.
It seems, you were never here to discuss, just to hopefully find an echo chamber and get digital pads on the back from people you don’t know.
in his previous post his telling other players what to do and what to like ,hes silly ><
I Have all the druid skins and items from the MT plus the outfits. I have no issues what so ever other people getting them.
I get hyper focused on one toon and like to collect everything I can, I missed out on the monk MT wep but i got the outfit, I do think its sucks not to be able to finish “sets” from “locked” content it just makes people who wasnt around for it feel like crap
I would if that were true.
All I am admiring is that I am tired of a topic that’s gone around in circles for a week.
There are two sides to this subject and neither will ever agree with the other. It’s best just to walk away.
Speaking as someone who also have several MT weapon skins, I couldn’t care less if others had the opportunity to earn them as well. Hell - the more floating runic skulls, the better.
I’m glad that 3 other people tried, but came to the same conclusion as me
Now we just need a worgen DK to come and call all of you “flavourless” too… Oh wait…
He tells us what to do and what to like,a bizzare dude for sure.
But it is true, several people in this thread has pointed it out. I have even quoted your own direct contradictions, and I’ll gladly refer to more of them, but it seems to me you’re actually delusional on this subject.
You have a funny way of showing that, because it seems like you just wanna point out how wrong you feel everyone else are, even though you, quite literally, don’t have a horse in this game.
You claim that you don’t care about cosmetic rewards to enjoy the game - you also claim you don’t own any of the original Mage Tower appearances.
You then proceed to claim the game would be less enjoyable if these rewards were still able to be earned in the game? Even though the challenge remained the same?
Do you see the Spellbound Tome as a joke then, even though Mage Tower now is about 5 times harder than its original run in Legion, where you could outgear the challenges like, super easy?
You still haven’t answered my points about beeing good enough to clear the content, while the content that has been removed, most of it wasn’t even hard to do in the first place.
I took the liberty to check your post history, as others here stated you would tell people what should and shouldn’t be enjoyable, which you actually also do.
You should probably apply for a Blizzard job with how anti-player-base you are, it’s wild to me.
Don’t think I ever seen a player gatekeep, literally just to gatekeep. You don’t even have anything to gatekeep! That’s actual madness.
I could somehow get where you were coming from if you actually had the appearances, even if it would still be a silly standpoint. You don’t even have that, so you’re gatekeeping for no reason other than “gate pretty, keep gate”.
I don’t get that whole prestige thing.
Do you really think you having some non obtainable mog or mount makes you stand out?
The only reaction I have when I see some cool mog and then find out I can’t get it like ever is that I get mad at blizz. I don’t stand there in awe from what of a cool player you are. There is only one unobtainable item I have ever seen that I actually stopped for a second to admire it and that is the black drone. And that’s probably because I really like how it looks.
I myself have one really rare mount (at least if you believe those guys that make videos about rare stuff) and no one ever even acknowledged it’s existent when I use it.
Let people get nice stuff at least a recolor that way everyone is happy
Can u take this guy serious?hes the loudest
I ride the Silent Glider on my Surv hunter brandishing the Zin’rokh.
My prot paladin goofs around with The Glazer. Yes, hand farmed, not bought.
The fella is just trying to justify his feelings, however irrational and self-contradicting they may be.
I have the slow brew fest ram which especially as a horde player stands out since we have no other rams
You haven’t pointed out anything.
You’re just attacking me and telling me I’m contradicting myself because I have gotten bored of talking to you.
Just accept others feel differently.
I haven’t told you to do anything. I have merely pointed out how the game is designed to be played.
How am I being loud?
All I’m doing is coming on every few hours and defending myself from your personal attacks.
I think the only
might be the person who has taken this so personally they have tried to turn it into a personal attack.
lets hope they do bring it in legion remix … i would love if they bring for drakthyr also something …
This thread restored my faith in the WoW community. I’m pleased to see so much common sense and kindness.
As a person who didn’t play Legion and doesn’t have the MT appearences but stares at those weapon mogs wishing I did, thank you all.
All content should remain in the game for the new players to enjoy. I’m all up for it to remain challenging and difficult to obtain as to not sour the experience for those who got it the OG way.
I have a few limited items myself, like elite PvP gear, which I hardly use and don’t feel like it’s anything special. I just keep them for collection. I hope that they, too, will be unlocked for people to enjoy (with or without the appropriate rating).
I, along with multiple others, have. You just refuse to recognize it, at all.
I am not attacking you, I’m attacking your flawed logic and arguments which are based on your feelings, which is entirely irrelevant, especially considering you don’t have anything to lose from this change, should it happen.
Me pointing out the faults in your logic and self-contradictions, is not a personal attack.
No, you have pointed out how you feel it is designed to be played. WoW is designed to be played a hundred different ways, your subjective feelings about the game is not a design you should push on others, nor is it the “true” way, or “right” way, which you very much try to emphasize it as.
Again, no one is attacking you, we’re merely pointing out how you keep contradicting yourself and have no real argument.
Your feelings isn’t an argument. I’m sorry you take that so personally, but it just is what it is.
Im not attacking personally you,i just come here and merely point out facts that
90% of your post are about these topics,seems to me that you’re the loudest in here.