Personally I was left with some… mental scars from the effort of getting every legion MT skin. I still get a knot in my stomach if I ever entertain the thought of trying out the permanent version of the MT that exists right now.
Considering the trouble involved, the models should have been like those from Ultimate raids in FF14.
The fact that my fun is already in place in a game that I have enjoyed for the best part of 20 years, and for some reason you want to take that away from me rather than finding a game that does something you like.
A harsh way of saying that I realise. I’m not encouraging you find a new game, I want everyone to have fun. But when you ask why my fun is more important than yours… well, my fun is already here and always has been.
Nothing against recolours.
I did 1 new Mage Tower challenge for the Transmog appearance, and said I would never do that content ever again.
I tried Zekvir, which is essentially the same kind of scripted solo player challenge, and decided it’s not worth my time doing that. It simply isn’t fun content.
I have no experience with FF14. WoW is the only game I have ever needed.
I simply don’t agree with that stance.
Because if you think like that we wouldn’t have any new changes to the game that many people have liked over the years.
Sometimes things need to change. I think this is one of them.
But as for your conclusion: I strongly disagree.
Your fun is not more important.
Nor is mine.
But one of us will have to be disappointed. I hope it’s you.
Because, to be blunt, I care more about my fun. But that’s logical.
So I completely understand why you care more about your fun.
Well good. In my opinion we have a solution then.
But of course, it’s up to Blizzard. So we’ll see what happens at the end of the year.
A good change enhances the experience for everyone. Bad change might enhance the experience for some, but make the experience worse for others.
Whilst changes in the past were good changes for all, such as the addition of transmog.
Blizzard have started to make changes which are taking away from players. Warbands was an example of that. Whilst many celebrate war bands, I honestly miss character specific reputations. Believe it or not, but that was a huge chunk of my play time, which is now just empty. So much so, I’m now starting to find other things to fill my time, like other hobbies, which is good for me, but will be eventually bad for Blizzard when my subscription ends because I’m finding something else more enjoyable.
Keep taking things away and I’ll have no reason to play the game at all. I’ll just find another activity to satisfy my ego the way WoW used to.
So I’ll strongly disagree with you. It’s better not to change features that players like and enjoy, even if some other players don’t. The best thing is to find a compromise.
Please stop arguing on the side of the corporate, you’re a consumer like ourselves and should really empathize more.
I get what side you’re coming from, but you’re talking for time-gated and tedious content in the service of the company, not in the service of the player base you, yourself, is a part of.
I’m willing to bet that the people that want things seasonal, to go away all the time, are actually a minority. A very loud, vocal minority, nonetheless.
You said you don’t have any of the old MT appearances, so you don’t actually have any achievements that would be “watered down”.
Would you say the new Timewalking sets from MT are worth less, even though the challenge is many times harder for many classes this time, because it can’t be outscaled?
I enjoy a game with a Time-line. Where the game progresses over time, as you live the experience. WoW has done that very well, and the game supports that.
Time locked rewards are simply souvenirs and trophies. Sure they are used for marketing purposes aswell. But this is how I like the game.
I can empathise with how people feel in this thread. But WoW at it’s roots just simply isn’t that game.
You know what, I gave it a few goes, and decided it wasn’t for me. I had flash backs of just repeating the same dance over and over again trying not to make a mistake or fall victim to RNG… and thought, do you know what, I didn’t enjoy this last time I did it. I’m not going to fall into that again. Sure, I would get it done eventually, but that’s just not fun content for me. I’d rather be playing with other people.
I’m sure there’s people who would prefer if we still looked like the stuff we actually equipped. So even that has people for whom the change made it worse.
I actually agree.
I think individuality and personality is much more important in an RPG.
Having everything be account wide makes it feel unnatural.
But that’s the thing: This (appearances no longer being obtainable) is not something that everyone likes and enjoys. That’s why threads like these are made.
But I agree with:
And I think recolors are a good compromise (as long as they’re not obnoxiously ugly).
I have only ever solo’d them. I missed the first month or so of the expansion, and my guild has been pretty inactive outside of raids since I started playing. Usually it’s alot busier with people playing alts in Keys and doing all the content available. It just shows the overall quality of this expansion.
That’s not an argument I have ever heard. But I am sure that kind of purest exists somewhere… well probably not after the pink beachwear transmog.
I understand why people wanted it. But I actually liked levelling my Rep/Renown on each character.
They could have just unlocked the important rewards account wide, like recipes and knowledge points, and kept everything else character specific.
But it is the way it has always been. And there are people who have always liked that aspect of WoW. To change that would be to take it away from them.
change it would only make 1 group happy and upset the other group. So it’s simply easier just to leave it the way it is, and not upset anyone else.
It shouldn’t change if it spoils the enjoyment of people who have always enjoyed that aspect of the game.
IS it though? or is that just your point of view?
I think the gameplay and challenges and winning trophies is an important part of the game. I think collecting all the Transmogs/PEts/Mounts to be a minor part of the game.
It’s all perspective at the end of the day.
But it’s more unfair to change it for the people who have enjoyed it the way it always has been.
There are no new victims in my scenerio. The are no victims at the moment because nothing has been changed to be worse for them. There are people who don’t like the way it is, but they’re not victims, because nothing has been done to them.
If enjoyment from the game is derived from denying others’ stuff in it, that’s incredibly selfish and a bad motivator to play at all.
No one is losing out from this, except some people having their fragile egos shattered over them not being special in a video game anymore.
Which again, WHY are Blizz catering to this very miniscule, but very vocal minority? I think it’s less than 30% of players that wanna keep the exclusivity of these items, many of us legit just wanna EARN them again.
We never said things should be free. But stop acting like people are special because they played in a certain time, at a certain period. They’re not better at the game for that reason. Why am I not allowed to enjoy the game on par with these people, facing the same challenges, in the same game? Get the same rewards?
There isn’t an actual good answer except for “but then I wouldn’t be special anymore HUUUGH ”
It factually is.
There are not that many appearances that are discontinued. A very small percentage of the whole.
Sure and that wouldn’t change.
You earning a ‘trophy’ that someone else can also earn 5 years later, doesn’t diminish your accomplishment.
No it’s not. That’s just your opinion because you like it.
And it’s fine you like it, but that doesn’t make your opinion very fair or balanced.
I strongly disagree.
But let’s stop this discussion.
We’ve already established that we’re both open for a compromise, so let’s celebrate that aspect, rather than try and hammer our different opinions into the other person.
It has nothing to do with denying other people. I don’t care what other people have.
I enjoy a game which rewards me for participating and accomplishing goals.
The concept of collecting all the “stuff” is relatively new in WoW, and has nothing to do with why people started playing this game in the first place. And whilst growing a collection is fun, it’s not the driving force of the game. Progressing and defeating challenges is where that lies.
Except people are losing an enjoyable game.
So other people can have their egos stroked so they can feel special for pretending like they did something they’re not good enough to have achieved.
THey’re not catering to the miniscule but vocal minority. The majority are too busy to playing the game to be on the forums moaning about a transmog from 10 years ago. They already have it and don’t care. The miniscule minority are the people who troll the forums pretending they know whatever one wants… i.e YOU!.
You do care that they not implement it though, so that’s an oxymoron.
You just said that collecting stuff and cosmetics wasn’t the driving force behind WoW, and now you’re saying the game would not be enjoyable if they changed it? Please pick a stance.
I didn’t know you were qualified as “good” if you out geared Naxxramas in TBC gear and PUG’d it with a few other people, hell I knew people that did this back then and to this day they’re still pretty casual. Not exactly people you’d see doing M+.
You’re also very purposefully dodging my, probably, most important point:
Also, really?
So people are trolling if they have a different opinion than yourself? An opinion that you yourself have contradicted multiple times over now.
I really don’t understand why you think gatekeeping is so good. Answer all my points this time, and try to refrain from just resorting to calling it “trolling”, it’s really childish when we’re trying to have an actual discussion about the subject matter.