Mage Tower Availability Extended and Tuning Adjustments





So you didn’t even have to worry about the infernals if you had him on a low % to kill him and to grab an orb, BECAUSE YOU COULD JUST PRESS A BUTTON TO BECOME IMMUNE TO THEIR KNOCKBACK.

These “challenges” are just looking more and more like a joke to me at this point when we’re missing such abilities that classes had in Legion. Just revert our classes to the state in Legion and then let us do them with those classes, because this is just a huge joke.


Ok, this makes even more of a joke now.

Dauntless gear was available in Legion at the point the mage tower was there.

This gear, now, can become ilvl 60.

That means you could have a higher ilvl just by using WORLD CONTENT gear. We’re being scaled down lower than the gear available at the time.

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It can, I used that, but I’m pretty sure it scales down to 50.

Yes, it scales down to 50 even though it was what people wore in mage tower back then. Which is ridiculous, they’ve scaled us lower than what people were wearing back then.

Also, another thing to note: Potions worked differently in Legion than they do now as well. Drums were stronger also.

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There is zero doubt that this version is hardest it’s ever been.

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Doesn’t seem to be the case for all classes.

Just read on mmo-champion, someone that almost killed kruul as a demon hunter with only 2 annihilate stacks. Wtf even is that? That’s some stupid damage compared to druid.

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Are the hotfixes live?
When looking at comet storm after razor ice i never have it cast on me around 3 seconds between them? Maybe this is right and the damage part is delayed another second?

When i test it and stand still within the razor ice and wait for comet storm to start hitting me it doesnt seem to take 3 sec to start getting damaged by it.

Actual :clown_face:

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Yeh, no joke! I glided through the DH challenges back in Legion. Actually enjoyed them… This time around, i’ve been slapped silly… Nowhere near enough damage.

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I think they’re not since the game hasn’t updated

Been saying that the bosses hp was doubled compared to legion since first day :joy:

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pls blizzard dont nerf this too much,the challenges are allready so easy using the right gear and consumables!

you gonna make the mage tower rewards a casual mog,then just put it in shop.

You are nerfing the wrong thing because Kruul HP wasn’t the problem.

The main issue of this encounter is the amount of mobs the player needs to deal with.
Even small misstep lefts player being overrun by the mobs, and their abilities, which BTW. is mostly unpractical scenario in the first place.

In fact, this counter is BS because it doesn’t even test e.g., tanking skills, and is mostly memory/DPS burn test which is (again) worthless test for tanks.


They are not nerfing the BC HC dungeon gems, or do they??

It was our major CD, you didn’t use it on random infernal lol.

the people you work for suck bruh

I would have saved it for grabbing an orb if I was playing guardian back then.

It was both dps and defensive ability. You open encounter with it and then save for p2.

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Idk, back in Legion we had: Legendaries (2), Artifact weapon PLUS Tier Sets

Now we have: nothing.

Completely balanced, yeah /s.
Totally NOT the vanilla Magetower experience, though.


P2 of the Havoc challenge needs a nerf, we don’t do nearly enough damage to take down the mobs or the boss before we’re dead.
Instead we get a 5% nerf to Xylem’s frostbolt. What an absolute joke.