Mage tower?!?! Bro…

Okay, for two days ago I tried mage tower as it’s opened now and I’ve never done it before and I knew that it was CHALLENGING but this??!?!

bro, I didn’t even last 2 sec lmao, I did nearly any damage and my life just vanished :sob::raised_hand:t3:

Blizz, how in the actual HELL is this supposed to be done?!?


do this mage tower as Guardian druid A mage tower challenge for every one - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (


Keep playing such content, show them how you liked it and they will put more on you like this.

Good luck.


Yep nerf it pls tyvm


I have seen why you fail. You are missing 14% versatility in stats. All druids that have done this challange got versatility over 30%.


Ilvl 233 and you post this stuff. Did you buy boosts to get where you are now or?

Tf? How do you even reach 30%? Even with equipping everything with versa on it, there’s only 2 pieces I have that doesn’t have versa on it, I have 21%~ versa in the mage tower. Where would that rest 9% come from? 2 pieces wouldn’t give you that 9% extra versa.


PvP :slight_smile: I have 33% atm, seen people with 35+

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which pvp gear would you recomend? 200+ tries here, get owned in p2 20% i have around 314 agility, 22 vers.

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I have done two of them, and maybe i can do more, it’s hard , i had a few hundreds of wipes tho so if you’re expecting to play the game for an hour and then get it done you’re wrong
tho it makes the rewards really unique and rare because not anyone is able to get them
and this time it’s related to solo skill and not boostable group content , or lucky 1% chances.

As plate you can reach 27% for sure without any PvP. On my blood set I have 27% and I’m not using PvP gear at all.
If you’re doing Agatha (fury challenge if I recall correctly) you don’t need such vers, I did it as Unholy DK with 5% vers; just Shadowlands gear no Old World content shenanigans.

Still wierd and not ok, that it demands you to tinker with stats to manage it, when it was advertised as something for everybody, also the casual level 45 in leveling gear… just saying.


The skill part is doable, you die a couple times and learn what enemies do and how to deal with them, or look at guides if you’re lazy.

But then phase 2 big boi comes and one shots you with a 20k Annihilate thanks to the funny mechanic of stacking debuffs.

Blizzard fix this **** already.

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I’m sorry what??

im so frustrated with this guardian druid challange, 230 tries best i can do is around 8~12%
blizz has really pissed me off this time


So you’re saying PvP gear is required for a solo PvE challenge?!

Oh Blizzard. Oh oh oh oh.


Tower? I barely know her!


Ya! I haven’t bothered with mage tower thankfully. The colour varients for the sets aren’t really anything special. And I sure as hell ain’t frustrating myself learning mechanics I had already done in Legion :slight_smile:


I really hope they nerf the annhilate damage having to rely upon stuns and orbs to “delay” his casts is complete bs…

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The annihilate is supposed to be the check to see if you know how to survive or not and a DPS check as well, you’re not really supposed to survive the 5th.

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