Mage tower difficulty in TWW for guardian Druids

Ok, this is just silly and unobtainable (imo) at the moment.

So much RNG, large NPC health pools and high dps towards players that even with moderate ilvl’s (607) it’s undoable.

I’ve watched every guide there currently is, specced for elune’s chosen and made sure to;

  • carry consumables
  • moonfire macro for the eye’s
  • DBM for drainlife warning

But alas to no avail. There’s always some unfortunate knockback that messes up all the progress bringing Variss HP down… This is currently an unfair fight for 95% of the druid playerbase and people who df-trinketed their way through it just got lucky…

I managed it today, was a bit lucky. I used a Strategie waking around Variss, don’t step in the pool except for interrupt. I slay used typhoon to push him further towards velen, so when the 4 adds spawn i used the orb to stop them from casting aoe them down and maybe hit various variss to. While always watching for the eyes.

I had my problems with Kruul, i even died when i beat him. Because of the dot damage.

This was my build:

Thanks for that Zebajin, positioning him worked, but i dont always get lucky with the typhoning and were im walking at the time he decides to do drainlife. Got into p2 today after 50~ tries and a hefty repair bill. Got instantly wiped by Kruul because i only had 2 ironfur up (bark 'n si on cd) and 2-3 elementals walking around. This should get nerfed. This is hardly any fun.

I never used Ironfur. Kruul is a dps race, use the drums when his phase begins.

In the being i positioned myself that with the first Drain Life i could use typhoon for the move to velen. After that i silenced him with bash or the orb.

Edit: when your fighting Kruul, go in circles around Velen for the orb. While you keep moving you should avoid most of the knockbacks from the Infernal.

I was try 3-4 hour obtain. Watch youtube guide and need some luck

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