Mage Tower Feral Skin Request (Druid Identity over just another appearance)

I am a druid since over 10 years and had to take an on/off break during Legion. Because of this reason and because feral skins were tied to the weapon that we’d eventually get rid of, I didn’t invest the little time I had to play into grinding the Mage Tower.

Years forward and those skins are added to the barber shop and it creates from my point of view class A druids, then the rest.

Every weapon appearance might be special to any of the other classes, but I feel that the feral skins are not just an appearance, but part of the druid identity and it would be great if there could be a way to add them back.

Anybody has suggestions on how to extend this call to other interested druids?


Let special and unique things be special and unique.

I missed the guardian skin and I would love to have it but I missed it so now I don’t have it and I’m fine with that.


Hey, I totally get it, and I totally agree with you about special staying special: ahead of the curve mounts, promotion rewards, Auction House mount, and any other hard-earned perk that Blizzard announced beforehand it’s all fair game. In this case, I don’t see it fair as those skins were supposed to be not so much in use once the artifact weapon was replaced and only usable with the artifact weapon equipped. This is why for example nobody flies around as a Tarecgosa visage even though we kept the hard-earned staff.

Making those skins available to everyone might anger some druids that earned them fair and square, but not giving the chance to earn these cosmetic appearances is from my point of view limiting the game that we all pay and play the same, and that’s what’s unfair for me.


They should just add a few new cool skins. I don’t have the Legion skins either but I understand that people want them to stay unique. The problem isn’t lack of access to these skins, it is the lack of new skins since Legion, I’d say.

Blizz, make the Night Fae Hippo into a skin for Bear form! I want to tank as a big blue ghostly hippo with tusks :slight_smile:


I don’t have them on my druid either, but much as I would LOVE to be able to use the feral skins because they look so cool, I don’t want them added back.

Give us something new. Don’t take away the pleasure of having something unique from the people who did earn them.


You cant see this as a single scenario.
If you release the druid mog you have to release all the other titles and mogs locked in other expansions and tiers. Which IMO would feel really bad. This is the main reason some of us play - to obtain titles and mogs nobody else can get!

A few of them is of course Ahead of the Curve, Cutting Edge, Gladiator, Mage Tower, Proving Grounds, Timed dungeons etc.

I would really dislike if everyone could get every distinguishable title and mog - and I would personally stop playing the game.
A thing that would work for us both, would be adding new/other skins as Xechtinoch suggests.

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This already happened. Doing feral magetower upon release with itemlevel 900-910 compared to antorus patch with 930 itemlevel and just flat dmg spam instead of bleed management was a difference of day and night. The skin already got extremely devalued and I am sure it was not the only case.

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And that’s why they won’t come back. People knew it was limited → they subscribed 1-2month however long they needed for it, paid for it to play at that time “forcefully” and got it done. (As there was honestly no failure rate end of expansion).

We need new forms not these old ones :smiley:

Like recolors of KSM Mounts? I don’t see why they can’t bring another appearance players love with another color so that all the snowflakes can feel unique with the tower one


Talking purely about Druid tower forms here. Nothing else. If they bring it back I’ll be insanely disappointed and probably stop using it. I hope they will put swift spectral tiger and other unique mounts like that on sale from vendors in game too then. It’s an equally ridicolous request.

How about to grow up then? If you behave like a child because you “archieved” something in a game, which is absolutely irrelevant for anything in real life, you should check your priorities.

Bringing back forms do not hurt anyone except people with two much ego


I have the glowing kitty and I think it should be made available to everyone who wants to try the challenge.

I don’t see why people can’t enjoy a skin or a mog just because they had a real life commitment.

And… grow up, people. There are more important things in life than pixels. Let this person enjoy their glowing kitty.


Difference here is that barely anyone loves the ksm mount anyways… :stuck_out_tongue:

Agree to disagree!

Yeah. So no point bringing it back since there’s more important things in life right…

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So no point in crying over an “exclusive” pixel skin.

Get over yourself. If all you have to cling on in life is the mage tower appearance, you need to reevaluate your life choices.

Great strawman argument. Wouldn’t expect anything else tho :rofl:

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I have a lot of empathy with you. A lot of swords drop all the time so if you miss one mog there will probably be another round any time soon thats similar. Cat and Bear forms? This was the only expansion that gave you them. Miss one you really like you can never get it. Atleast you can get most of them.

Maybe it should be available on the Black market AH? Image the bidding :slight_smile:

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That is unfortunate but you know :smiley: it happens so just deal with it
just like i need to deal with a fact that i quit wod and now i don’t have the best looking spear in the game and the GUN

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This so much. Preach :pray:

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