Mage tower overtuned or am i bad

I’ve tried so many times with many different builds, but i can’t get these guys down below 50%. I see vids and people doing 4kdps casual and i’m struggling to get 2.5 with 390 gear on both single and multi-target builds. I just can’t beat the enrage…

Is there something i’m doing wrong, or is this challenge overtuned af? Anyone else struggling?

you need to optimize the gear that is downscaled.

also the fight last forever but is always the same. sometimes bad rng craps all over you though…
even in legion i remember the fight took like 10min or more

so basically mythic raid gear from legion?

i am not up to date but there are certain trinkets or proc gear and also maybe 2 legendaries from legion etc. whatever still works.
guess you could check a youtube video

Why choose, it can be both :slight_smile:

You can run Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar and toss in a bunch of enchants and gems on that gear. The gear there has 2 sockets on each piece.

The shaman mage tower is defo doable. I did it yesterday on my shaman with 380ilvl full pvp gear.

The main thing to note is saving up your cds for the imps. And just getting used to the rotation enough times. Which cd to pop in each scenario and repeat as flawlessly as possible and u eventually get it.

Also changing your talents based on the fight helps alot.

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