On this timestamp. He has like 4% less mastery and 11% more crit. I don’t know how it works. This guy is not even slowing the imps or whatever. just stunning and is able to kil it with chain lightning under the boss. Idk why my damage is way lower.
looks like he is using earthquake, you just can’t see it for some reason LOL
actually not a bad idea to just aoe everything together there for all time, allows u to focus more on the boss overall. As for the stats i simply don’t know why, might be the levels of his Heart of Azeroth or something else, idk.
I maybe should just stand in fire and take more damage
It’s christmas dude haha. Why would anyone play a game knowing the devs sending a present like mage tower out to us?
Blizzard is like a street sign company installing a santa claus direction sign which guides you to the south pole. After realizing that everyone is dancing with penguins, they will show up and fix the sign during summer, excuse for their obvious mistakes and offers you a lift to north pole but only after paying the monthly sub
Sure, if you dont bother attempting them, then don’t.
But if you didn’t do them, then your evaluation of difficulty is irrelevant and invalid.
I did only 4 of them, So I can judge those. And the difficulty is really different. For some challenges it was multiple times harder.
Out of those I did, Shaman (Enh) was by far the easiest, took few attempts. Guardian Druid was by far the hardest. The difference is so large that when you come here with your Shaman challenge done and l2p argument that it seems like laughing at mythic raiders, because they can’t manage to down last boss, when you easily did it on lfr, so you trashtalk them how it’s skill issue.
It’s actually purely cope of you to say yours isn’t way easier. Because you did only yours. I did more than that, so I can compare.
What you trying to argue? I am a casual player and i did it, was easy.
Well, if it is 1 thing it is not is that it is easy
FOMO pressure just relived. I will dump this time and try another time.
Thanks for information!
That was another almost full day on the mage tower. And i really not THAT bad.
Impressed you can be bothered tbh, i havent looked back after completing the resto one
Blame it on holiday
Yeah was thinking maybe try some others, but i’m leveling alts in torghast instead
Sounds painfull too
More fun then mage tower
So, what am i doing wrong? This is somewhat 10 hours of progressing
Mind it is for me an off-role i never played dps seriously.
probably the missing crusader enchants as elemental XD
as furry warrior you just slap those two on the weapons and it becomes really easy
Well according to the video you posted earlier of the guy actually doing it, you should probably run static charge instead of earth shield so you can do the stun on the healing imps as they get to the boss, run ancestral guidance and use that when ever you need healing by doing damage, if thats not enough you got your defensive/ earth elemental that should also give a defensive. Place down the healing stream totem regulary.
Try to use cap totem on the imps (spec for reduced cd?) and healing stream totem more? Looks like the person in the guide u posted had some old leggos and legion gear, so maybe thats why his stats are higher? Gonna go give agatha a whirl, havent tried since first night MT was out.
Edit: got her to 47% on my second try now, seems doable at least.
You can do it, but doesn’t mean you need to do it, nor does it mean that you should do it for that matter. Same for healers. It’s good they can put in some damage, specially on low cycles of people taking damage, but that’s not your priority. Just because someone plays a character in a specific way - for instance Guardian Druid going into Boomkin and dpsing, doesn’t mean it’s the new normal way to play the class, because it’s not. You see people pushing +21 or more with 4 dps + 1 tank, which again, doesn’t mean it’s the new normal. What it means though is that there are other ways to play the game, but I’m 99.9% sure it’s not the way the challenges are meant to be played, otherwise you should just have hybrid roles, and you can do whatever the hell you want to do. Think about it, you have for instance resto shammans going with Kyrian because of Vesper that does insane damage (or at least it did). It means that you’re seeking to finish the encounter in such a way to dismiss mechanics of taking damage for instance. You want to finish the encounter as fast as you can, which, going against myself, it’s what you’re suppose to do, but it feels counter intuitive, at least in my opinion.