But there is no trade-off.
There is no spec X has Y therefore they do less DMG.
Mages have everything, Rogues have everything… Mages where strong in M+ but got buffed because they damage in raid was not high enough.
If there was a tradeoff, ele-shamans would do the most dmg in raid, because they are squishy + they dont have any unique raid utility… which btw is also the reason you havnt seen them in world firsts for years.
In moddern wow they stick to certain classes, give them everything and the rest is hoping that they are once in a 3 years are meta.
Regarding your post:
Blink is more of a flavor ability like you suggested, its a mobility spell, with its own flavor, it has nothing to do with my suggestions.
Also I would like to point out that we can add more mechanics to dungeons that actually let have different classes different strenghts.
It was stupid that mass-dispell was so strong because it could cheese so much staff at once, while we for example have tremor-totem that rarely gets used by blizzard.
The question is…why not? They could easily make every dungeon doable and build in multiple mechanics that classes can deal with differently… not the Class X does 90% of the mechanics that are in the system right now, while the others have to deal with it.
Agreed, but thats not what I mean.
Agreed, but that again is not what I want. I want every role do their role without problems…
for tankyness, I disagree. We had multiple instances where certain classes could be less tanky and still perform well.
For that again: The basics have to be fullfilled.
It doesnt have to be like in legion BRH where the last boss oneshots everyone that doesnt have atleast 2-3 deff cds.
Yes, and disc had this design for years and was rarely meta in M+…
I personally would like when healers that cant do dmg while healing would do more dmg when they have actually time to do dmg.
The healer meta has shifted quite a lot over the time if I remember correct. I am no healer so I wont pretend to know why.
But I am also pretty sure that MW was also not a healer that was meta often.
Again: I dont want big differences, or that classes cant handle certain things…