Mage, Warlock or Paladin for solo

I am torn. I know it is another “help me to choose class” topic, but I have time only for 1 character.
What I am interested:

  • loremaster,
  • all reputations farm,
  • casual pvp.
    I am not interested in hardcore raids/ myth+. I am not a fun of leather and mail classes, so they’re exluded. Which class should I take? Paladin and warlock are mobile enough? May mage would be better for my farm aspiration?
    I played priest, but after some years I am bored and hate new void’n’shadow idea and won’t back until voidform will be removed.

Mage is terrible for hard soloing of current content. Terrible. It may be the hardest class in the game to solo, say, current dungeons with.

OTOH, it is by far the fastest and easiest class to farm old content with (well, maybe Druid, but that’s not on your list). Once you are not squishy because you are above the level, it has facilites on various specs or all specs that make things so fast and pleasant. Arcane Explosion stands out as a crowd-killer. Blink moves you along. Teleportation means you can get to old dungeons and raids to rep farm soooo much easier than anyone else. Ice Lance gives you an instant ranged one-shot for lower level mobs. Even tricks like Invisibility and Slow Fall have applications in farming old content that, while niche, and very satisfying.

If you are going for hard current content, Prot Paladin easily beats Warlock nowadays. On my Warlock, my Voidwalker is so weak and squishy and unthreatening now I want to think of him as a poodle.

For casual PvP, I’m no expert, but I would think all three classes have decent track record.

But for quick and pleasant completion of old reps and quests, mage wins hands down.


The classes you have mentioned are all fun and have their pro and cons. I am just speaking out of personal preferense here, but how about a hunter? :wink: Just kidding. I am assuming you are gonna lvl it from start.

Mage: They can be really good at higher lvls. They can be a bit hard to lvl solo, since they can’t stand many hits. Also you need a good amount of haste on mages (any caster really).

Warlock: they can take a bit more since they have a pet to take the dmg for them. As with the mage they need a fair bit of haste to feel less clunky. Personaly i feel the warlock is less mobile than mage and paladin. You have a talent to correct that, but that is spending a talent on a “sprint”. Damagewise on lower lvl… It’s been too long since I lvled mine.

Paladin: They have AoE, they have a mobile spell and they have shields and platearmor. Imo they can survive a lot and you have the option of filling all roles IF you decide to to an instance.

Hope you find a class you like, and most important: Have fun!

Thank you for your tips, looks like arcane/frost mage will be best way to go.

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