Mages are straight up *ss in PVP in phase 2

mages are bad at pvp? thats hilarious, living flame is bugged af rn where you could be 5y ahead of it and still get ticking damage, living bomb is quite the dot if people stack (perfect for STV)

Wrote about it aswell, but dont expect people to agree when currently you are their free kill.

This just shows you didnt even try to read what I wrote in my thread before starting to type.

Snares, slows and ranged are nothing when the classes that had it as weakness now have more than 2-3 gap closers and do 3 times your DPS in 2 GCDs (while you have the lowest amount of HP and armor as Mage).

What good is a Blink or Frost Nova vs Warbringer, Shadow Step, Shapeshifts, Quickstrikes and Ranged Stuns?

If you want to be taken seriously as anything more than the troll you are, even if thats probably the only way you get any sort of reaction/interaction with people, try atleast to hear them about before rushing to be a besserwisser.

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Why should I, you are wrong and if you play the wrong spec that’s your fault.

You are the one trolling saying mages are rubbish in PvP. It must be a learn to play issue on your part.

You’re literally bad. That’s the only thing I can think of. I’ve tried multiple specs with mage and found a really good build, and it’s extremely viable and good.
Again, you’re just bad.

Arxane surge depletes ur entire mana bar, its a high risk to use. I dont rly see a problem with it as it leaves the mage as a sitting duck if anything else is presebt.

Espically when everyone can 1 shot far easier and far cheaper

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High skill ceiling? :joy:

Mages are probably one of the worst classes right now in PvP. Even warriors can kill mages now with those many charges. Imagine a rogue with shadowstep and stuning from distance.

Only think a mage can perhaps do is try to oneshooting with arcane surge, and if dont die after that then the mage is dead because no mana. And today with the health increase is very possible that the mage dont one shoot with arcane surge so…

It feels so weak and boring.

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Hahaha you see the damage in details during a pvp event? hahahaha what a time to be alive. You know you can only get metrics from some distance so when you are dead you are not counting other players damage if they are too far away. Is the same for BGs, everybody think they are top damage hahaha

Poor guys.

Are you another bad player?

I find it unlikely, arcane surge may get hit though

To beleive mage needs a 50% nerf is honestly as bad as thinking their underpowered :joy:. Maybe p3 when they bring in deep freeze.

Everyone is busted if ur gonna say anything that 1 shots is busted. But ironically mages have the most costly 1 shot.

Not that itd matter if arcane surge was nerfed. No one seriously uses it outside of memes, piling ur entire mana bar into a 1 target 1 shot is funny, but its not realistically a good way to play mage

Yep, I know.

In PvP, yeah. Especially if you heal.
But what do I know? I’m just a 6x gladiator player, not even a single rank 1.

doesn’t matter, these gimmick 1 shots need to be nerfed otherwise PvP will remain a meme rather than skill based.

if a mage can do it and guarantee a kill, then evocation or sheep + drink, mana gem, mana pot e.t.c it makes no sense as PoM + pyro in vanilla 2005 didnt even guarantee a kill and that was a level 60 build, even with double spellpower trinkets + arcane power and full gear…this SoD pvp is a mess

That’s actually not that impressive in all seriousness.

Yesh and it wont matter :joy: the damage is so heavy one shots are inevitably gonna remain but if arcane surge is lost it rly wont matter

When SoD has 1 balancing across all game modes, and its objective is to make eveey class as strong as warrior. 1 shots are inevitable.

because warriors were oneshotting everyone in blue gear :clown_face:

The statement was targetted at pve, lol. Whjch is what your missing.

Think about classic era logs warrior damage, now warriors have a ton of factors that collectively make up that number of dps includong auto attacks, which makes their damage consistent.

For a caster to equalise with that its abilities have to hit pretty damn hard… lll

When ur trying to make every class double, or in cases triple in pve performance, damage in pvp will go wild lol…

Granted, they didnt have to put all the dmg into a Insta cast, thats for sure. But we will obliterate each other with some speed.