My Arcane Barrage deals 715 damage. It’s the only spell I can get off during this.
This is an example of a warrior that just killed me, but every class is like this for a mage. We have no defences. We die in a Silence. We have no PvP damage, our big nukes (which we’ll never get to cast because 3 seconds is impossible in PvP if anyone notices you) deal 1000 damage while warriors Execute us randomly for 3k.
The upcoming damage nerf will make us even worse.
Once we were glass cannons.
Now we are glass feathers.
None of our defences work, because every class has runes that counter them on shorter cooldowns than the defence spells.
And if you don’t care, just remember that all the mages are rerolling shamans.
Yep mage is quite underwhelming in PvP atm.
There’s a retail feel of not being able to hard cast and even when casting the damage can be pretty sad.
A combo shatter doesn’t deal that much damage alas, even though it requires a certain set-up. I reckon they need to add some damage to ice lance for one and maybe in frostbolt too so it won’t necessarily impact PvE but make mage more threatening in pvp.
Also the frost barrier in a joke with all the amped damages from the runes and gear we have access to now.
In BG (especially AV since it’s kinda the only one popping atm) you have quite a bit more than that.
This! Is what i’ve been saying for months now, just buff ice barrier and ice lance damage and Mage are in a good spot with the rest of the classes. Ice barrier is 850 absorb. last talent in the tree. Laughable.