Mag'har Backstory Questions

I’ve been leveling my Mag’har warrior with the intent of roleplaying as her, and while thinking of a story for her I’ve kinda hit a stump. There isn’t really too much on the AU Draenor between WoD and their recruitment. I’m planning for her to be Warsong, but how much does that matter post Iron Horde uniting most of the clans? From what I’ve read the clans kept united under the Mag’har, but I’m not sure what that would mean for an Orc’s clan pride. Clearly they’re not completely homogeneous as different clans have their banners up in the recruitment scenario. And the time-frame is kind of throwing me off. By the use of “decades” specifically I’m guessing it must have been at the very least 20 years, I’d probably place it around 30 years, if there isn’t a more solid date out there. Any help with either of these issues would be helpful.

Maghar clanic differences are way more important than for regular orcs. Our orcs were moved around a lot with the wars, the internement camps and their Journey to Kalimdor with the most important point being their internement I think. They are now pretty much one big clan with clanic marks being used more as institutions than ethnic group, for example the Shattered Hand is Orgrimmar intelligence agency. So as a Maghar being of a certain clan would definitively matter, you should look up the lore behind each clan and try to find inspiration on how growing up in that culture influenced your char.

Actually I always belived, the original Orcs who came to Azeroth are mostly if not all (notable exceptions like Etrigg, Saurfang and the rest of the grey haired honored elder aged Orcs) are dead
The years, brutal life stlye, wars, low number, wars, invasions, etc almost killed them all, and the Orcs on Azeroth are ther descendants from the camp-survivors
Childrens of azeroth so to speak
Of coruse I can’t back it up with anything, but I think it have some logic to stand on its own as a theory :slight_smile:

Maybe, maybe not, but in both cases clan distinction are mostly irrelevant to our orcs unlike WoD orcs.

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