Mag'har Orc / Draenei RP on alternate Draenor

Throm-ka, role-playing community!

Here’s just a brief backstory as to why I am creating this thread. If you want to skip the briefing straight to the idea, scroll down to ‘TL;DR’.

I am a casual / relatively beginner role-player, have been playing WoW since 2011. I was always interested in role-playing, but I’ve been to very few events myself. I only wander around and do some random role-playing sometimes when I feel inspired.

I have always been interested in Orcish history, their clans, their traditions. Long before WoD came out I read the book Rise of the Horde by Christie Golden. I know it might not be considered canon anymore since many retcons happened over the years, now we have Warcraft chronicles. At least this book has some truth in it. But I really liked how it describes life of orcs and draenei on Draenor, Kosh’harg celebration, Oshu’gun. I really like Warlords of Draenor, it is my favorite expansion lore-wise and I enjoyed questing in Draenor, I still do that again sometimes. From orc perspective, I never liked Azeroth. I prefer Draenor / Outland.

TL;DR briefing ends

I want to find a community or form my own that would represent Orcish RP in ancient Draenor (before the invasion to Azeroth). Now that we have Mag’har Orc playable.
Orcs have a very interesting history, they have so many different clans with their own traditions and identity, which is a big potential for RP. Draenei too can join this, of course, but not Lightbound or Lightforged.
We could use Nagrand, Gorgrond, Talador, Frostfire Ridge for RP events. We may as well host our own Kosh’harg festival at some point.
It can be done so that current timeline does not get in the way. We just pretend it doesn’t exist, we are on Draenor, we did not invade Azeroth yet. Or maybe we are about to. There was a time when both orc and draenei co-existed in Draenor without being at each other’s throats. Or perhaps we could even jump into the time when orcs and draenei started to rebuild Draenor after Archimonde’s fall, that could work too, especially with all that Alliance and Horde presence that would bother us otherwise.

The purpose of the thread is just to poke the community to see how many people would be willing to roleplay on Draenor and forget about Azeroth on such characters. I know it sounds restrictive. If there aren’t many people, we can still cooperate and with a couple of people do some short stories, for example, my Frostwolf huntress can do some random hunting with some Thunderlord orc in Frostfire Ridge, we may share some stories in the process, then meet at the festival.
So, it doesn’t have to be a large community. Even if I find a few people who are interested, at least I will know who to communicate with when I come up with an idea of a small event or random short story. Maybe someone already thought about this before I did. Let’s find out.


I like the idea, but there aren’t enough free hours in my days :slight_smile:

My casualness keeps me constantly “behind” current content, so I am usually pretty satisfied with the present timeline.

However, I main Alliance, so I will have to work on my (Horde) Garrison at some point…

Once I actually buy BFA once it goes on sale and get a Mag’Har, I would love this idea.

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