Mag'har, who? Help me!

I know I am late to the party but I recently unlocked Mag’har orcs with the intention of maining one. But how do I fit?

I have no reason to hate the humans, if anything should respect them for the Dreanor campaign. I never enslaved Dragons, or even saw them? Surely I despise the Dranei and don’t know anything about the Scourge, Deathwing, Illidan, Old Gods, Sylvanas and all of the other things that have shaped Azeroth over the last couple of decades.

Am I just told to hate humans so therefore should? etc.

I could really use some help ‘fitting in’’.

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they are a society based aroung light worship and the lightbound chief counterpart is actually an human. thats enough to hate the humans.
then you can consider that without an human (kadghar) freeing gul’dan the burning legion never could invaded draenor in first place.

Or simply make a mag’har that is from Garadar in MU Nagrand and circumvent any and all issues that comes with being an AU mag’har.


You could also just…not hate humans. It’s entirely possible to be a member of one faction and to be loyal to one’s people without necessarily hating other people.


Tbh this is the stance most of my characters tend to take. Like some of them might dislike a specific rival group in the other faction but they rarely have more than a range between complete ambivalence to a generic dislike for most members of the other faction.


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