Hello everyone,
as we are waiting for the next expansion, I finally decided to complete all Legion Class Halls mounts.
I have major issue with Paladin one (the last one for me). There is one step on the mount chain that requires you do do the Suramar chain before but I am totally stuck at the very beggining.
I was checking the Suramar storyline on wowhead and it seems that is starts with [Khadgar’s Discovery]. After checking the quest completion with macro it turned out that I have completed this quest before. But for [Magic Message] quest it shows False.
However, there is no Khadgar in Dalaran and the one on Broken Shore does not have this quest. Where can I find this quest so I can continue and get the very last mount?
Additionally, I realised that I see Magic Message quest on the map but in the World Khadgar is not here so I can’t take the quest
I have already submited a ticket but it told me to go here
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I’m having exactly the same problem with my warlock which prevents me from continuing my class hall quests :(. I remember that before I started it Khadgar did have the quest ‘Uniting the Isles’ but I didn’t take it. Which I dearly regret now.
I did the magic message quest and now completed the question mark points to under the citadel. Tried that, nothing.
Seems that there are several things broken in Dalaran. The Rogue class hall quest is also bugged when you go through the secret door you change into a golden human and bonk into invisible walls. Blizz? I really don’t feel the need to do more Echo’s
I have found the solution. Just added a friend to party and he used party sync with me. Then the NPC appeared and I was able to continue. Unfortunately GMs did not help me because I only received automatic bot replies
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Priests and Paladins will need to complete an addition quest to advance in their class hall campaign, which is currently unavailable. For more information, please see this post.
Thank you!
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