Magical Crawdad battle pet 12,358 speed?

Hey everyone.
I just queued for a PvP pet battle at 12:35am CET on the EU-Ravencrest server (in case this is of importance) and I was up against a team of full aquatic pets.
In the last round it was my Mischief vs their Magical Crawdad. Mischief had 289 speed and the tooltip for the enemy Crawdad said 12,358… My Mischief was indicated as the first-attacking pet, with the golden speedy arrow around its picture but always attacked second. It did act however as if it was attacking first, despite not attacking first. (When using “Pounce” Mischief did strike twice despite attacking 2nd)… The reason I am not posting this in the Bug Report section is because I honestly am not sure whether this is a bug or some disgustingly weird mechanic that just is too high for my braincells.
Is there any experienced pet battlers that have answers for me?

I took a screenshot of this, sadly apparently theres no way to link or attach it here? (new to the forums, hi.) If anyone wants to see it, feel free to add me on Discord and I’ll share it. Enyera#8083

Hoping to get some answers.

There are many peculiarities, and some inconsistencies, in the way pets work, and every learner eventually bumps up against some.

The Crawdad has a “priority move”, Surge, which “always goes first”.

The way Blizzard implement “always goes first” is by giving the pet a temporary massive speed increase for the duration of the move. That also has some inconsistencies between different priority moves, but that’s not relevant for this case.

What you mention with the Crawdad is the temporary speed buff it gets when using Surge. When the Crawdad is back to Shelling or Healing, it has its normal speed of 227.

In a round when it used Surge, your Mischief’s Pounce should not have struck twice, but in all other rounds it should have.

I know that when you have no idea what is happening, and no framework to make sense of it, it is hard to keep track of what happened where, exactly. If you logged your battle with Pet Battle Log Keeper, we could walk through it round by round, but without a log, we’d hust be going by memory, so not really useful.

Starting PvP does make you appreciate all these mechanics you may never have noticed before. :smiley:

Do try logging your battles with PBLK do that you have a basis for examining these things in future!

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