Magmaw HC Misdirect macro

Yet to try this macro, I adapted it from my traq shot macro I used in the LK fight on the shambling horrors…macro worked flawlessly for those…I cannot see why it wouldn’t work…any thoughts before I get caught with my pants down? :stuck_out_tongue:

#showtooltip Misdirect
/target name of tank to md to
/cast Misdirection
/targetexact Blazing Bone Construct
/focus [exists,nodead]
/cast [@focus,exists] Explosive Shot

#showtooltip Misdirect
/cast [target=NAME OF THE TANK] Misdirect
/cast [target=Blazing Bone Construct] Explosive Shot

Think i had something like this when i played my hunter, allthough its been awhile.

But it could be a global problem, if you got to many globals in 1 macro, you might have to spam it for it to work.

Thanks :slight_smile: I’ll try both…

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