Magtheridon Raiding Community!

Hello to you!

We’d like to announce and advertise a new community on the Magtheridon server. The community aims at people who are interested in Mythic raiding on the Alliance side.

Our guild (which will be managing the community) has an interest in going Mythic but we lack the players for it. Our core team has the skill, time and dedication for it. Sadly enough, we don’t have 20 of them.

Since recruiting takes a while and we don’t want to steal people from other guilds, we decided to create a community where interested parties are free to join without having to switch guild and whatnot. We can easily reach out to all of you through the community and see where it gets us!

So, if you want to progress into Mythic with us and the raid times fit for you, feel free to contact any of us so we can invite you!

Our raid days are Wednesday, Sunday and Monday. Starting at 20:30 realm time and it ends 23:00 realm time.

It is not decided yet which of those days will be Mythic (presumably Monday).

Reply here or whisper me ingame (or add my battle tag: Toon#2237) to reach out to us.

Thank you and have a nice day!

Accidentally posted using an old alt. Contact Astilli for more information :slight_smile:

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