Mail is ugly, show me your best mogs

My issue is that if you want to go with a fur/cold resistant outfit, most of the fur gear is from old content aka very low res with bad 3D models.

Aye shaman sets overall look better imo


I agree that mail is particularly hard to transmog with.

I managed to pull off a somewhat sleek(ish) look when going for a ‘Scarlett Crusade Hunter of Evil’ look, so it -is- doable. Just annoyingly hard lol.

Agreed that shamans have an easier time :stuck_out_tongue:

Posting to give you an armoury link that works (The above was on my toon before he server transferred, and as such clicking on him sends you to an error page).

I do like your transmog. It’s quite simple and rugged, yet stylish. Looks very good on your character.

Mail isnt so bad. Got few different decently looking themes. Here is my soldier for now.

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I think mine is pretty snazzy :grin:

Witchwoods themed transmog. Skulls, dark, pagan. Think of Drustvar

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Can confirm! :sunglasses:

Well here is mine so far.

The chest piece isnt my planned option but i keep forgetting to hunt down the 1 i want. Also need to grab the shoulders to match the head piece.

I like my take on dark ranger:


Guess I’m not the only one having a hard time with mail-sets. My mage and DK look positively dashing.
On my hunter, this was the best I cud do.
Edit: For some reason, my guns not showing the updated mog

I like simplicity as i’m wearing now :sunny:

Outfit list:

Its kind of annoying that most mail gear that looks simple and is something that real hunter that goes through the woods is from 15 years ago and looks painted on and or so blurry you cant really even see what it is.

Never the less this is something i but together.


There is a 2H sword that would make you look like a Paladin if you were SV and used it with that xMog. XD

I wish the hunter could look like my DK :slight_smile:

Been using this mog for years. feels a little bit like a leather look, which in my humble opinion, should be the default for hunters.

This is best ranged weapon model in this game :slight_smile: nice mog too

i do like the nighthold hunter sets though :slight_smile:

Here some of my mogs –

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