Mail is ugly, show me your best mogs

I seem to like wearing this set :slight_smile:
… shame you can’t see the ponytail on the headpiece in this pic

Never been much for mogs but was a bit tired of staring at the back of an Orc. Never thought the HFC Hunter tier set would look good on any character but…what do you know.

For lack of any better descriptions, the set does manage to provide the feeling of a “woodsman/ranger/trapper” -type.

(Vulpera animations for movement, jumping(flips and more) are on point if you ask me)

Now if only they could bring back the old RSV munitions theme as an additional spec option, it would fit the nature of Vulpera so well. As I can’t really see them as commanders of beasts or the big burly’s who charges in with a giant spear.

The MM sniper/sharpshooter style sort of fits them but…as they are fairly small and quick on their feet, yeah. RSV would do it!


How about this one?

I don’t give much attention to transmog but I don’t want to look ugly, either. I don’t know how much you can help with Zandalari but this is my best attempt :stuck_out_tongue: Also, I need to work on my weapon.

You’re all doing it wrong. Adventuring should be done in style <

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But you are contradicting yourself. You are talking about style and then about being wrong. You can’t be right or wrong of these matters. That’s personal taste.

Praise the old gods mog yes please! :smiley:

I has made a better mog since last time! i think…

The helm and shoulders don’t fit all too well in my opinion.

Mine is an old favorite mog that gets me wins in trial of style :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually go with this for low level mail.

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yup, I usually stick with the leather type items for low levels. They look pretty good.

TBH I dont really find it a problem finding mail mogs, probably coz I play so many hunters that Im most familiar with mail armor. I must have about 18 120 hunters now and Im aiming for one of each race. :slight_smile:

I tend to theme my mogs (and pets/mounts/etc) around the race…this is one of my DID mogs!

I’m relatively new to trying to look good in Mail, having played Rogue, DK and DH almost exclusively until now.

I am about to hit 100 on my Hunter and have recently discovered a few awesome (imo) Mail pieces that really capture the essence of a Hunter, stealthy and deadly without being too clunky, a mog that actually fits the class.

Really pleased with this mog.

I personally am a fan of the BC/wrath (but no ICC) mail sets, but some others do really stand out for me. All the teirs from heart of fear and the Nightwell set.
Other than that it definitely seems mail has been at the back of the design queue for a while

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I like the dragonrider set on orcs. Been mixing it up a little and im pretty Happy with this mog


Go Dwarf, Get 120 Heritage transmog = look like a GOD!

Why lie tho?

I’m pretty happy with this one. Helm looks horrible on anything other than worgen though…

Im waiting to unlock vulpera then will be rolling a hunter for the first time ever (played since vanilla :open_mouth: ) . As someone who has played shammy in the past Im likely to be opting for the lookalike shaman sets as Hunter sets are the worst in the game tbh.

After 3 years i decided to finally change my mog. Quite happy with this look.

This is my Savage Hunter transmog, Survival version.
I also got a fitting bow for the ranged specs.

only mogs worth having is unobtainable ones :upside_down_face: