Mail is ugly, show me your best mogs

Not sure if I like mine just yet. I just really like the helm on a vulpera :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is my mog. What do you guys think? :slight_smile:


Mail for hunter is ugly if you have not my tmog ^.^

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Check my transmog set now, it’s not finished, but I really like the chestpiece!

Well this looks great as a night elf

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I’m quite satisfied with my set too. :wink:

I’m more into “low key” mogs like the one I’m wearing atm, and for mail I think it’s fine :slight_smile: but for more crazy looking mogs I can see how some players might feel forced to transmog into mogs that looks similar to all other “fancy” mail mogs.

This is my Transmog, I like it for Troll. Shoulder’s get green glow at times :rofl:

My new mog after finally looting the legendary bow, I’m pretty happy with it so far!

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Currently using this one

I’m using this on my Orc Shaman, and almost the same (with Dark Shaman Shoulders instead) on my Draenei Shaman:

Both are Enhancement and use the yellow/blue tint of the “Stormbringer” Artifact Appearance (omitted the weapons for the outfit as they would distract)

The goblin heritage armour saved my life

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Not much I can say for horde but a mix of 7th legion mail and windrunner’s pursuit looks pretty good if I say so myself.

Should I be honest, I don’t quite see a problem in mail mogs, they actually do pretty nice, you just need to be creative. I can see it is a problem for shamans at times, but for hunters, hell no. The only thing I’m missing is nice-looking blue/turquoise shoes on the horde side, e.g. the Legion hunter set blue recolor that Alliance has.

I would include links to my transmogs, but apparently I can’t is there a way to bypass it?
Nvm found how to do it xd

Here are some of my mogs.

Ranger 1

Ranger 2

Ranger 3

Dark ranger

Silvermoon ranger + high elf Sylvanas

Corrupted hunter

Technotard (fits well for BMs with yellow Sabertron and golden mechanospider)

All of those are very creative mogs. I want them now. I just didnt like ranger 3’s head, its too red compared to the rest of your gear. And I also didnt like the bow of dark ranger, but hey. These are just 2 things out of dozens of things.

So I’d give all of them overall a 9.5/10 or maybe 10/10. Just very good man.

I myself tried to go with a beastly look because I’m a worgen. I also use huntmaster’s fierce wolfhawk and trained snarler to match for them. Also some pets.

That was intended, the theme was intended as an intentional Red Riding Hood ^^ :smiley:
As for the bow, I just used the bow that Dark rangers on Orgrimmar ramparts* use, I didn’T want to change that ^^

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