Mail sent to deleted character

I sent items to a new character that i never logged. In the same hour of sending those items I deleted the character because I was not happy with his looks.

Will the items return to the character that sent the initial items after 30 days or are they lost forever? :cry:


You should get them back after the return timer. Not sure if you make a character with the same name before the 1h time it takes for them to get to it.

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Thats what i thought aswell but it didnt get send back after 1 hour, happened yesterday. So that’s why i’m wondering if maybe I get it back after 30 days (when mail normally expires).

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You would have to wait the 30 days from sending or maybe a ticket will get them back earlier.

Making a character with the same name will not work as characters have a unique ID number that’s used for mail as well as other stuff and that isn’t reliant on the name.


I don’t mind waiting 30 days, i just want to be sure i get the items back eventually. It were 4 16 slot bags and some gold.

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