I was under the impression there were many mailboxes, everywhere, in each major hub.
What if a meteor falls on my while im waiting for a bus?
damn, hope you’re not feeling too oppressed.
Shhh, he’s muh hawassed
can people using longboi mount too while at it? I feel attacked and harassed
Whilst this is annoying at the post box you want to use, there are often others that aren’t that far away and a lot of the time you’re able to click into it anyway.
The same thing happens with quest givers and I always find a way to continue what I need.
yes indeed they are. i hate them to. even if you do manage to click on the mail they attitude is disrespectful for others. for people who say they want to see and use mail stuff… you can with out being disrespectful. you can stay a few feet away not on top with the mount.
For this I’d suggest a keybind for interacting with a selected target, an used F key is great for this. Find Interact With Target under targeting keybinds, give it a key, boom, easy questing. Spread the word, simple fixes are best.
Is everything people don’t like considered harassment nowadays? I’m still in my twenties and I feel old already.
What you are describing is an annoyance not harassement. Atleast from my perspective. Also yeah, if they can add “no mount zones” at mailboxes and other essentials interactive hubs of the game, it would be a great QoL implement.
there’s a toy that allows to spawn your own mailbox, so go to the dark corner where no one’s watching and put YOUR OWN mailbox there.
public place should remain public and free for use for everyone
You arent entitled to any space.
Totally, my dude. Someone from another topic replied to a comment I made to the OP of the topic in question and I replied to them. We went back and forth for a while. And at some point they claim I was borderline harassing them. Either those people don’t understand the meaning of the word harassment or they feel like everything that does not go their ways, is harassment.
its a public place, its for use for everyone.
get off me boomer.
everyone’s harassing him… leave poor boomer alone
If you mean me, ive never, and would never, claim harrasment on wow.
/10 char
I fully agree that mailboxes should have a dismount zone.
I can transform into Gamon, use Vrykul Drinking Horn and just sit at it
I cannot, but feel worried … in 2020 almost everything is harassment . By 2025 breathing becomes insult as well.
It’s not that big of an issue… Zooming in to first person fixes it if someone tries to block it.
And in the cities (where people usually do this), there’s usually another mailbox not too far away anyway.
Do I find it annoying? Sometimes. Can it be avoided? Easily.
Either by scrolling the mousewheel and zooming in, or simply move to one of the many… many other mailboxes in major cities.
I wouldn’t label it as “harassment”
How about you people go to your garrisons then. That’s literally a safe space with no-one else apart from you. No mailbox campers/trollers there.
It’s just the numerous people crowding around mail and portals on brutosaurs that bug me. Shouldn’t see much of it in Shadowlands thankfully
i hate mailbox campers too. Therefore I bring my personal mail lady out camping where no one can find us!
https: //i .imgur .com/yJy9YtN.png
had to add spaces…