Would love to hear your thoughts on mage, especially fire and frost after the talent rework since I haven’t had the time to play much on the ptr.
I am focused on myth+ and still can’t decide on my ranged main. Where do you see the mage speccs and its overall viability compared to shadow, wl, boomy, devoker and elemental in terms of output AND fun/fluid playstyle? Currently regardlessof the numbers I find mage just to be somewhat dull and even with the changes to fire, I don’t know how enjoyable the flame-strike build would be - it reminds me a lot of playing a destro wl with rain of fire - but sort of worse. Also since rogues still look pretty good I personally doubt that mass invis would be much of an argument to bring a mage when you could also choose boomy or a lizard.
Honetly im not sure about mage xD i was hyped but i can see only nerfs… As u know the main thing is the remove of RoP +some new talents. There were a +15% flat damage buff, like some compensation for RoP but now its gone, they nerfed 12% on everything, +they nerfed lot of little +stat talents on fire, +Incanter’s Flow from 4-20% to 2-10%. So im thinking about WHAT a ****? I dont like RoP but to remove it and nerf everything? I just can’t imagine how this is going to be good, especially on fire, frost will be fine i guess. Unleashed Inferno is good, with this 50% bonus damage, but even with the extra CDR its less uptime like RoP’s 40% was. Other good thing is, SKB+Pyroclasm gonna be fused to one talent, but again Whiteout RoP’s 40% damage i think SKB will be weak. Losing 40% bonus damage in Combustion is just huge even whiteout the other nerfs.
Flamestrike Build could be good, but not like this. Flamestrike should work with kinding , then we could talk about something. But like this? For m+ Unleashed Inferno will be the go to, i guess, and flamestrike is not buffed with inferno’s damage, its not working with inferno’s and kinding’s CDR, so its just a wate of valuable CD. Witch isnt good if the point of Unleashed inferno is to use Combustion every 1 min.
Mage will prolly end up maybe upper mid pack, based on the fact so far we havent rly seen a Reworked class not become meta, however, unlike prior reworks, they really havent done anything to simplify the class
Frost will become more complicated with a more vast rotation to it.
Fire will be relieved of SKB, but the rest of its burst cycles will remain
and Arcanes pretty much remaining at the complexity its sat at during DF.
but as we’ve seen with the previous reworks, with the balancing ongoing so quickly and Rebalancing going on, its really hard to locate a place where its going to be Meta, the fact the support role which will launch likely broken, will bring BL… its Likely this is a Non factor in terms of demanded utility now
Because groups will likely run a Augmentation evoker, unless they manage to make it unwanted ofcourse. Mage will just become a typical DPS Choice then and ur basically fighting among the masses for the same slot.
also account for the quantity of rerolls to mage thats going to happen, its likely not going to be great being 1 of 5000 mage applications to groups,
Play it if u enjoy it ofcourse, i’d really recommend finding a class u enjoy to play instead of meta estimations, i doubt Mage is going to be the be all or end all of Ranged options, Shadow and Boomkin are both very successful in M+ also.
Don’t do it. Frost mage is gonna have double the buttons. The devs really are just completely out of their mind sadly when it comes to class design. Fury warrior is the only resort to play without headache. Play fury warrior.
No. Their not making frost mage a headache, and no the devs arent out of their minds on this, ur really overestimating how much a few extra abilities are really gonna cause.
More people will struggle with the raw speed of APM of warrior, and overcapping due to not hitting rampage fast enough then they ever will with new design frost.
Its gaining 3 or 4 more abilities yes. But these are abilities with a high CD. So it means ur going to press 5 or 6 every other pull once. Also their split among st and aoe meaning you wont even use them all in 1 fight.
Frost will be easier then now. Because with RoP lost the reduction in positional requirements will lower dramatically as the class has so much access to using abilities on the move.
It has 0 DoT uptimes to control.
Only 1 3 minute CD to use.
Its core rotations remaining at 3 buttons.
I feel ur reactions more panic mode then realistic here im afraid, we have had many discussions and agreements ehen it comes to holes in current class design, but trust me. This isnt one of them.
However i am going to say this:
Difficulty is a opinon not a fact. Some struggle more then others with different things, otherwise u could make a argument fury warriors APM should be lowered to cater to older players hand speeds.
Its good classes and speccs are offered on a range of ability quantity / APMs And difficulties. And while we only have to look at arcane mage to see this has been taken too far with some speccs. I dont think this means it applies to any class that has a ability count higher then 3.
Frost was shattered to dust. A lot of build possibilities are just gone, basically, there is just one build now. But I suppose it makes it simpler for new players. On the other it feels much less rewarding to actually learn how to play well since well… there is basically no skill-curve now. It’s really bland.
So yeah. play the new evoker thing until blizzard grows a brain and reverts those stupid changes.