MAIN story campaign cutscene dialogue missing - poor first impression

Not much else to say, started so well, the build of a new big bad that is pulling strings behind the scenes, setting a new story arc across multiple expansion - great start. Then as the campaign progresses to pivotal moments the dialogue is missing and we have no clue what’s going? Imagine a movie and the dialogue stops half way through.

This will leave a black mark on the expansion opening, small detail, large impact. Imagine fixes will eventually get pushed, but whos going to experience them once that happens? Majority of players will have completed the campaign by then, and no ones coming back with alts to rerun that quest. Such a disappointing start.

Off OP topic, but there are other really bizarre choices, like the candle dungeon (I haven’t met anyone who’s enjoyed that place) and the Dawnbreaker dungeon having no mechanics cues or pointers? Maybe there’s an NPC voice acting a warning somewhere but we’d never know?

There was this blue post about it recently

I think relogging fixes it temporarily, however the substance of those conversations will forever remain a mystery.

I found the candle dungeon entertaining. Dungeons having unique elements isn’t inherently a bad thing. Not everything has to be about entering rooms and killing HP bars.

Thanks for forwading this link.

I feel like I needed to post again, though, multiple posts about the same topic are generally frowned upon/are annoying, but its highlighting a dire frustration especially on a product that is so well polished in other areas.

I just hope more quality control is going to be put in place for any future TWW content to prevent key story points being ruined.

Yeah I think if it was some random throwaway comments it would be less impactful, but during really big “oh crap” in game cutscene moments… immersion ruined. Oh well.

Yeah I mean the concept was a nice idea of the candles and the darkness, it seems like a great example of what super fun solo content could be - I just don’t think the end section fits well into M+. From the point we get to pushing the cart - it scoots off without players, pets get left behind trying to kill mobs in the dark but miss, then we get stuck in combat and can’t enter the rail cart chase. The final boss has no real mechanics other than fetch candles to power the light, but trying to pick up the lantern is a bit buggy when he does the frontal, multiple times our party couldn’t pick it up, and even if we could its not particularly fun to play as ranged. Cool concept, poor execution maybe? Or maybe just personal choice.

I think its gonna be a massive gripe once the M+ key levels go up, and this should be the focus of dungeons because that’s the end game expectation of dungeons.