You could argue that but I beg to differ.
This is basically just arguing about semantics but what you’re describing I’d actually just call something like ‘starter gear’.
To me actual Catch Up gear would mean that I have the ability to get on par with characters that have actively been playing this season, so… “catching up” with them.
I don’t need that gear to be “free” as the so called catch up gear usually is. I don’t mind grinding harder content for that BUT I’d like to have the ability to actually catch up to my main character which I’ve been playing from the very first day.
Now catch up gear not being on par with mythic track gear and only enabling me to get to mythic track gear content faster would be fine IF it was even possible to get said mythic track gear. Due to the nature of the current gearing system (basically wait 1 week for the vault and that’s it) the only way to obtain the real endgame gear is to… wait because it’s heavily time gated. And at the very end of the season you can’t do that because you can’t wait because you don’t have time because the season… ends…
Fully agree and I wouldn’t participate in it either if I didn’t actually need the gear for +14s.
I honestly don’t get why we don’t have this. Yes, Blizzard always says people stop playing after their characters are fully geared and I get that but doing some simple math, I just don’t see what the issue is.
Let me explain: So according to my first ever M+ run this season was done 11 weeks ago. Mind, I rushed to M+ as soon as it was released to this season is 11 weeks old, period.
A character has 15 to 16 gear slots (depending on whether you use 1h+oh or a 2h weapons).
So if we got a single DETERMINISTIC item each week from the Vault, it’d take us 15 to 16 weeks.
Now afaik the new season is supposed to start in February. We have roughly 4 weeks of December left so in January, we’d be in week 15 of the season. We’d still need about 1 more week to get full BiS.
So if we would’ve played +10s from the very beginning of the season we would be BiS geared by roughly the second week of Januray. Leaving us 2-4 weeks until the next season is about to drop.
And we still could improve our gear with addional sockets.
That being said - I’d reckon that people who do +10s during the first week are the minority so it’d take way longer for the average player to get BiS.
I really don’t see where the harm is to have like 1% of the playerbase be BiS geared 3 weeks before the new season starts and the other 99% of the players 1 week before the new season starts.
Maybe my math is just compeltely off here but I don’t think so.