Make 3 changes to the game

  • Bring back demon form for warlocks.
  • Instanced housing indeed
  • Travel in the old WoW like they did with “Naxx” and ZG.

Pineapple pizza is now the best food.


That’s harsh!


Only three? Tough call - I see excellent suggestions already.

  • Remove all scaling, except group Rares that would otherwie die before people got a tag
  • Restore our 50-yard view distance
  • Restore the original characters we chose pre-Warlords
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But they’re the worst!


to be all classes balance . or just delete the all the other classes and just keep (bear,mage,hpala,sp and aug evo )

Worse than people who say tenders?


I bet they’re the same people

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I’m still trying to decide how many tenders to spend and how many to hoard this month.

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  • Add Solo Rated BG queue and Player Housing
  • Remove in-game boosting (ban every ad from Trade chat)
  • Make 10-70 lvl BGs just like Korrak`s Revenge.

I think the guy above me should get a free chill pill.


Holy Power made me play Retribution and Holy Paladin. Interesting how our preferences can differ.

  • No more mail armor: 3 armor types; heavy, medium and light. Hunters are placed in medium.

  • Player housing - instanced; no ugly player stuff out in the world.

  • Lots of various dog breeds as hunter pets!


You start. :blush:

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  • Remove the “automated chat ban system” !

This game feels so DEAD cuz everyone is too afraid to chat in it. If you chat, you may be reported by a group of players and then you get auto-ban.

General chat is dead! You cant get any answers in there. I like Diablo Immortal cuz you can chat and relax, what is the purpose of the cantina/bar in the DF capital city if you cant stand there and chat with other players in General chat? This game is dead to me.

1.) Remove politics from the game. I don’t need copy-pastereal life represented in this fantasy game, to be able to get immersed into it.

2.) Respect the lore. Both in the writing, and visual design. It’s in the making since about 20 years, or more (if I include every rts game), don’t let your ego get the better of you, or your personal political views.

3.) Bring back relic slot for cosmetic options, like quiver, ammo pouch for hunters, libram for paladin, tems for shamans, etc


Black what? Don’t know that mount but I will buy it from the monthly vendor if it’s available :slight_smile:

Differnce is , it was in game when you joined your still a fresh player and know no different.

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Well, let’s go back to our old faithful:

  1. Great combat
  2. Sense of world
  3. Community
  4. Constant stream of content

I’m not going to address constant stream of content because I consider that already achieved. I have nothing to suggest of substance, really.

On the combat front, I’d like to make the game A LOT more readable. There’s just too much going on, I can’t see what’s happening. It’s irritating.

On the sense of world front, I’d like the removal of level scaling and some static levels on the mobs. Mix the locations and difficulties around A LOT, allowing going down the beaten path (literally, walk along the roads from zone to zone) but rewarding exploration with items and toys and other special stuff as well as gear that can sometimes be far beyond what should be available at the level you’re at. This also ties into combat, but here is also means that each mob has more of an identity in terms of its strengths.

On the community front, I think things are pretty badly damaged and I’m not sure where to go from here - but if we’re not gonna have factions anymore, maybe we can do like dynamic factions. So like let’s say you can actually join the Nokhud and start PvP’ing in Ohn’ahran plains as an example. Or more of that furbolg tribes stuff.