Make 3 changes to the game

It can be anything.

Add a feature.
Remove a feature.
Change a feature.
Reintroduce a feature.

Whatever. You get 3 wishes, what are they?

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Gem slots come baseline on gear again.

Remove holy power from non-DPS paladins.

Change healing up for holy priests, move healing power away from the holy words and into the regular heals, make the aoe heals strong again but drain mana quickly if you spam them. You should be able to dump your mana quickly for absurd amount of AOE HPS but you can’t do that because a prayer of healing heals for 12k per individual while still dumping your mana, which is laughable.

  • Add player housing - customisable instanced housing everyone has access to (no land grab)

  • Bring back Personal Loot

  • Allow people to fly via DR or their regular flying mounts in all zones


  • Bring back class design to how it was in Warlords of Draenor, tweak a bit from there to keep things modern without pruning 1/3 of all spells and mechanics like Legion did.

  • Remove Flying from the game. Copy-paste how mounts and map design work in Guild Wars 2.

  • Delete Demon Hunters. Specifically Havoc, the Tank specialization can stay for all I care.

  • Return everything time limited that was removed from the game. AotC mounts, Challenge mode, MoP cloak, WoD ring, pre-patch quest lines, deleted achievements, Naxx 40’s, the lot. All of it. You can now collect and do everything. Go nuts. Years of content there.

  • To compliment the above, more milestone achievements for pets, mounts, rep, achievement points, glam collected, and so on, with rewards.

  • Revert gold nerfs on old raids, gear and WQ’s. If people want to get their pocket money while running old content for cosmetics, let them. Bots have better sources and playing the AH was always superior.


Class halls
Personal loot
Delete DH’s and their players


Reading this made me vomit.

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Years of worthless content.
There are hundreds of mounts in this game, and nobody cares about 95% of them.

No mount in this game makes you say “damn, impressive”, until you meet some guy on his black qiraji tank.
Make that mount available in 2023, and you make the whole thing pointless.

Paladin pre holy power back in WOTLK was so much more fun and fluid instead of wannabe combo points we have now.


Your subjective view but there is a lot of others who do care , your word is not fact just your view.


Transmog gloves separately.
Transmog boots separately.
Make back transmogs clip with shelds and other wepons.

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“Scarcity creates value” isn’t an opinion but a well studied fact, backed up by countless studies on the matter.
An item being both challenging to obtain, and limited in time, is more valuable than an item that can be obtained at any point in time by anybody.

And when I say it has more “value”, I do mean the word “value”.
Thanks to a sea of illegal websites, we know how much certains mounts and transmog items are worth, because there are literally World of Warcraft accounts being sold for hundreds, if not thousands of dollars when the original owners possess such items.

I won’t hear of this “subjective” nonsense anymore.

Yes /10chars


Me: Arguments.
You: “10 chars”

You have been defeated.
Your opinion is objectively incorrect.

No just no point in debating with a rather well known arrogant troll such as Rompuche.

  1. Free transmogrifier
  2. Housing (instanced and purely cosmetic)
  3. !!Better writing!! That includes even worldbuilding, development of races and justifying new race - class combos. I might be too late.

That’s the laziest escape, and the weakest excuse I’ve ever seen.

  • Add a feature: To be able to queue for PVP on a character (solo shuffle in my case)while playing on different characters. When the queue pops, just load my target character into that arena.
  • Change a feature: The report system to not automatically ban / mute people or at least to have real people check the appeals and punish those who abused the report system
  • Reintroduce a feature: Brawler’s guild.

Holy power made me quit healing and tanking as a paladin until BFA where they removed holy power from them, I used to raid MC/BWL as a holy paladin and then I raided up to ICC as a prot paladin. Then they reintroduced it again in SL for some god forsaken reason.

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If i wanted to play a rogue or druid with combo points i would have picked them so totally agree with you.

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