Make Beachhead faster

But aiming the fireballs can be fiddly and laggy. Not sure if I’d want it any faster. The ‘reverse’ quest where you control the crab is even more delayed response.

There is usually enough variety and worst case scenario if you really don’t want to shoot crabs/seagulls or turtles you can just wait until the next day to do one of the other quests like Make Loh Go or the Shell game.

I agree the pace of the crab/seagull/turtle quest is a bit slow.

Didnt they change that barrel WQ in Legion quite late into the expansion?

Then they could change Beachhead.

dude it’s like 3 min quest. Is cutting that in half (making it 1,5 min quest) will improve WoW in any significant way? No, it will not.

Another thread crying about stuff that doesn’t matter.

Meanwhile PvP gearing is basically useless, you need to do the entire PVE grind from start to finsih in order to get into PVP. And that is not being addressed either.

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The existence of bigger issues shouldn’t be a reason not to report smaller ones.

I think the team working on these issues, if they decide to, are capable of prioritizing the issues themselves.

Edit: Besides there are a lot of people who don’t care about PvP at all. You wouldn’t want those to say your complaints about PvP are invalid either.

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just ignore them, that’s what i do. when the turtle emissary pops up, if there aren’t 3 calligraphy/shell game wqs i wait until the next day.

What about Loh? He’s the quickest out of the lot to do.

“Hey, it was bad for so long, why make it better now?” The only thing that doesn’t make any sense is your way of thinking.

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Seriously hate quests that drag on… especially those bloody progress based % WQs, where a kill is 3-5%… screw those, seriously. Should be 10% MINIMUM.

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How about NO !
They got little legs .


What a nonsensical response.

I dont mind these quests. At least they are quite quick. the Caligraphy ones I avoid as they do my nut in. Plus its only 3 quests rather than the usual 4.

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Just dont bring that tumour of wqs back in shadowlands like they did with the murloc quest from legion

Oh yeah, the murloc quest was definitely over the top, considering that it awarded the same rep as a normal wq.

Allthough, I still enjoyed it just for the sake of playing as a murloc :slight_smile:

World quests are all about sinking time. None of them pose any challenge. I don’t think asking Blizz to make a WQ faster will ever yield results. Their job is to make WQ’s interesting, but for that to happen, the world itself needs to be interesting.


Now excuse me, i need to go camp a specific world quest for the greater good on my horde


For small fee of 5k gold ill log on your acc and do beachhead for you.

For real now, u do them like 2-3 time per week unles u have 35 alts and u live by doing WQs

I actually have 12 level 120, so after number 8 today, that quest felt a little over the top. :sweat_smile:

Make everything faster by 2x or halve the turtles