Since flying has been out, raiding opposing capital cities has become such a simple task, however it would be cool if maybe like a wm only feature is that the flying guards would dismount players, and you had to raid through the cities from the front. This would make killing the enemy leaders much more of a feat and make the whole thing more epic than just flying in with 40 ppl and nuking the boss. Making the guards more impactful and tougher to compensate, and even adding features to help the people raiding like siege weapons or something cool, it would make the city design more more important with places like Silvermoon being an example of a harder place to raid due to not being able to fly.
I think it would be cool if Orgrimmar and Stormwind had anti-aircraft turrets like on Alcaz Island near Theramore - that would dismount from flying mounts. But only if there is an option for attackers to capture a “turret point” to disable those turrets.
Buff guards - no, in any way shape or form, just no. Protection of cities in WPvP is a players responsibility, not NPCs. It’s not a PvE raid - it’s a PvP raid with some NPC as an initial objective for it.
Siege weapons, towers, tanks, etc would be cool too, unfortunately it wouldn’t make any sense story-wise, because having a lot of siege machinery near enemy gates and going full war on enemy capital without story part of it - not going to happen.
It would be cool if opposite faction had to prep materials, then build vehicles when near enemy capital, when built - a warning for whole region “Faction” is attacking, then war…
Unfortunately, if not for story reasons, nothing like that will work simply because of sharding - it’s going to be even bigger mess than current assaults, plus everybody will join/shard to where it’s happening and servers will die…
Current attacks on capitals - that you can do solo, in a party, or in a raid - are the best that current game can handle.
PvP Warfronts maybe… ?
What I meant by buff guards is like their utility, such as being able to spot flying people and mark players, or other guards reacting in a realistic way, or what would be really cool if they did was add different types of guards and have some roles.
Shame about the whole sharding issue though, kills all large scale events which could be cool if they weren’t broken up
Would be interesting if they used the AI displayed in AB Comp Stomp. Instead of just bog-standard guards you had a variety of multi-skilled guards working together. Not stronger, per se, just a better toolkit
Ive often wondered if city raids would be better instanced like a pve/pvp encounter a bit like old AV also Fix the fps as well pls.
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