Make comdemn Physical damage

And you as a Venthyr Warrior, do 10k+ Condemns onto said ret, and big fat Mortal strikes. If we’re talking 2s (since you didn’t name other dps) Warrior wins the Ret matchup, easily-

Sorry, but that sounds a lot like a you issue, since Warriors playing Kyrian or Necrolord still win most matchups :thinking:

Why isnt anyone talking about 22k mortal strikes?..theyre not that rare.

Because, they are infact… Pretty rare.


Haha, sure buddy, let me level up my Renown to 40 every game based on what opponent I face.

Do you need some eye exam or anything? I haven’t done rated pvp at all on this char, and I’m not even playing Arms. 0/10 troll attempt.

The point of that comment was that if the weaker 2s Covs can beat those matchups, you as Venthyr shouldn’t struggle, at all.

And that warrior is in a spot where your Cov really doesn’t matter, if you’re losing to weaker comps, it’s a you issue.

But good attempt at taking part of a comment, and ignoring it’s context!

I am not venthyr tho, I play night fae. And I don’t play 2s or any other brackets or comps, as it is not my interest. The post was about “fixing” an ability that is fine.
Warriors can’t heal from 20% to 100 instantly like that other meele dps can, and they can’t delete people in a global. Condemn does about 4k noncrit, while the FOTM meele class seems to have 100% crit chance during burst.
If the problem is the added mobility, then nerf condemn, while also nerfing 10 second roots from hunters and mages that have zero counterplay, you can just sit there like a target dummy.
Funny how rets complain about mobility, while they have healing, stun, and the horse + range attacks, while warriors are the only class with the mobility, healing and stun talents in THE SAME TALENT TIER. You can only pick one.

Then why ever would you even be here, good grief.

Condemn isn’t fine though, it needs adjustments. Every warrior at higher ratings admit to this, not sure why low rated players cant.

Correct, but Warrior does provide a lot more utility and is able to tank a stupid amount of damage, while also having quite good mobility, ontop of also having Ignore pain and Def stance (And even while sitting def stance, you’ll outdps most classes.)

Depends heavily on your gear, I can assure you, the Venthyr Warriors with full gear against other geared players do more.

There’s only Fire mage and Rogues with MA having 100% crit from what I’m aware of, a lot of other specs are FOTM, so this point doesn’t hold any ground whatsoever.

Okay, you’re trolling, well done I got baited.

Why am I even talking to a 20 level hidden profile who probably started playing 10 years after I got bored of arenas.

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