Make crafting great again!

Crafting orders… is an awful system. To sell your craft you either need to use the public system in which case 20% of them provide nowhere near enough commission to even be worth it (200g commission 4 times a week… 800g a week??) and 80% of them actually cost the person doing the craft thousands of gold. OR. You spam trade chat like a moron all day hoping that someone manages to see your spam at the exact right moment. It’s a painful system to use as both a crafter and a buyer.

What exactly was wrong with crafting things and then putting them on the AH? A nice, formatted list of items that people can browse without having a seizure while looking at trade spam? Why was this changed? What purpose does it serve?

It’s clear this system has been pushed into TWW but please Bliz, Make crafting great again, and just get rid of it. We managed 23 years without such a convoluted system, it wasn’t broken, why u fix it and make it … meh


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You can still craft many items and put them on AH.

We used to be able to craft ALL items and put them on the AH tho :wink:

Example - I needed a JC to make a neck for me yesterday for an alt. Joined trade channel (always leave it when not needed :P) Instantly chat is just a streaming wall of text going too fast to read. Typed in - Need JC for torch “ilvl blah”. Since the chat was moving so quick with people spamming their “trade” I then had to spam also before finally someone whispered me and I got it made. So for that crafter he has to sit and watch trade chat for x amount of time, looking to try and spot the one msg he wants. This can’t be what was in visioned with this system surely. :stuck_out_tongue:

Take it back in time though, that JC would have crafted a neck, put it on AH, then gone about doing other things… How was this not a better way of doing it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Never before you could craft BiS or close to Bis gear in all slots and it being relevant thru all seasons.
In the past, crafted gear lasted for few weeks until people overgeared it and afer that professions were useless.
Blizzard went with trade chat route since they wanted to improve social component among players and at least chat is lively now. I dont blame them to trying to revive social interaction, everything else can be found on wowhead.

Besides, how many times you need a crafter? We get spark every two weeks, I dont think it is such a big deal finding a crafter once.
You can always ignore few crafters who spam the most and slow down chat spam (i hope you left services channel completely).

Well, some crafters choose trade chat to find customers, but they are not limited to that, they can craft for AH and it is not gear they sell.

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