Make Deadly Poison permanent

Well obviously you seem to forget it and that makes you bad so its kind of an indicator of skill.:slight_smile:

I’m actually surprised they didn’t change poisons to be an on-demand, more powerful ability, like they did with paladin seals and shaman weapon enchants.

RIght now they’re just a “check every hour if applied” kind of ability.

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Having a choice of which secondary poison would still have to remain.
But there’s no purpose to the 1 hour duration as long as it’s removed whenever you change spec / enter a vehicle / are transformed into something (minus hex and polymorph that are stuns) / change your active poison.

It has to do with the fact that it has a mechanic attached to it, basically venomous wounds.

I don’t think that is something so difficult to change.

Just generate energy when bleeds deal damage, and reward the rogue with even more energy regen when he’s on the target and applies his on-demand poison.

Of course secondary, even tertiary poisons would still be the case. But the current apply all poisons to target (see PvP Mind-Numbing poison) because 50 minutes ago you remembered to apply two buffs to the weapons is in no way interactive.

Look at the class description:
A deadly master of poisons who dispatches victims with vicious dagger strikes.

translates into

A deadly master of not forgetting to apply buffs every hour who dispatches victims with vicious dagger strikes.

We did have kingsbane in legion to be honest…

Until they decided to remove artifacts, really bad idea in my opinion.

That’s pretty much what you described there, a poison ability to use on demand.

They should lower it to 5 attacks, i mean that poison will probably rub off the weapon by then.

I think the problem with poisons is that they’re static and passive. They may have been “annoying” in classic but at least you had to keep an eye on them. Prepare for them by holding the right reagants in the inventory etc.

But retail and classic are two very different games and I agree that for retail, poisons are boring. When I play assassination I have an addon warning me that they’ve worn off. Not engaging in the slightest. I’d rather see poisons buffed, perhaps become short cooldowns with a short duration and an effect that does more. Make them more engaging to use. Clicking a button once per hour is not fun and the design is archaic.

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