Make Flurry Strikes replace FoF on when it procs

Why not just make Flurry Strikes more interactive? Shado-Pan is too passive. What are your opinions on this?

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Its a snooze fest spec and the buff also has a timer, so you will always have the possibility to lose the buff when you need to run far or when there is an rp moment.

I just like the idea of having a spell become empowered like the Death Sweep for DH or now the Tempest for Stormbringer Shaman. Monks could use that too, since we already have a lot of buttons this change doesn’t add for a button bloat, instead when we get the proc for Flurry Strikes just transform Fists of Fury for the next cast into Flurry Strikes. This spell is actually a visually appealing ability that I would love to use more often and on demand.

this tree ist just awful and I think they will rework it… they have to… it isnt even working… getting the flurry buff… u cant even use it… a buff for nothing. you also need so much more WA´s to track all of this… I really dont like it and it keeps me away from playing monk… dont like the other tree aswell… pref to play a monk class fantasy without pets… just you and your fists… shadopan hopefully gets that rework, the Idea is good, but it just wasnt thought over well enough.

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I feel the same about monk. I love punching by myself and not with pets. Clones ok, but Xuen and other celestials maaan it’s just too much. I would much rather play a monk that is similar to street fighter characters, or DragonBall, where you ascend yourself to a higher state (gain improved abilities for a short while) and use a lot of kamehameha (chi burst) but with similar mechanic to evoker (the longer you press the chi burst the higher the damage and the greater the visual). Even the idea of flurry strikes is cool but it doesn’t feel rewarding at all. You don’t get to press that spell and it doesn’t do any damage whatsoever and you have to track it for no reason. Hopefully the devs will make something out of shado-pan

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I think uncapping the charges, lowering the energy threshold to 200, and removing the charge duration will go a long way towards fixing Shado-Pan. That’s enough time to build at least 20 charges or so (and more in aoe), but frequent enough that you’ll probably naturally line it up with cds easily. Simply hooking the flurry strikes to FoF would probably make spending too frequent to ever stack them up, which some of the other talents kind of rely on.

That said, those are some really easy fixes that they could’ve done at any point during the last 2 months…


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