Make frozen orb cast on location

Please, it keeps getting stuck on random ledges, terrain, gets mobs pulled away from its trajectory, people just walk away from the slow orb that is my only source of good non RNG instant damage


Ya, that would be a lovely change. Nothing better than orb getting stuck on a leaf.

I’d like it actually to move, at the same speed it does now, only follow the target you you cast it on. Oh and the orb should also stand still once it reaches a stationary target, can’t forget that.

This way if your ADD tank decides to move with no good reason whatsoever the orb can slowly creep towards whatever you are fighting. (not suggesting this for PvP or anything, a running player should be able to leave it in the dust, this is for PvE)

As for Temporal Anomaly, that rune is hopeless…

Yeah, it following the target could work too, it just feels awful with something that powerful just missing