Make Gladiator Mounts available through SoloShuffle

TBF, anything should be attainable when enough time and effort is put in. Problem with 3s (and even shuffle) is that 70% is spent with waiting, and the remaining 30% doesn’t guarantee anything. We are already beyond the point where one can put together a team of like-minded people to invest countless hours for a singular goal. The reward threshold needs to be lowered, or it should be more accessible. Very dedicated people already have titles to bring home. 3s is hated mostly because how inaccessible it is. It’d certainly help participation if people weren’t already closed off from progression even before steping into the arena.

People still care about it but mounts are more valuable when let’s say only 10% of or 5% of players have them.

Why, what Blizzard want is to make players play as much as possible isn’t it? So why not reward them for their hardwork and dedication. After all they spend perhaps 2 months more to reach the same point we reach in 2 weeks.

do they?

after getting 500+ mounts i surely dont care for any mount

You are in the minority, most people have 150-200 mounts and half of them are ground mounts aka useless mounts.

Most people still want good looking and rare mounts.

Is there actually some way of seeing the average? I’m genuinely curious.

Average of what Puny, rating or mount

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The average number of owned mounts.

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I believe it is more or less 200 but yeah this is just my opinion,

I consider myself as the perfect example of a semi hardcore player, I am good at PvP, PvE and I mostly play as casual after reaching my goals so I get mounts from PvP and PvE alongside casual stuff, sometimes by paying gold if I need to.

If I have 215 mounts as of now then average player probably has something like that. Still it would be nice to see the real stats :grinning:

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