Make Gladiator Mounts available through SoloShuffle

Yes, as the topic states. Finding 2 more people to 3v3 and have schedule is a great burden for most of us, we have a life. Next Gladiator mount is a must have so let players have an opportunity have it.

The criteria must be 50 wins over 2400 rating for solo shuffle players as well…


To be honest they should be obtainable in all formats.

Solo, 2s and 3s.


The problem with 2s is it is easy to wintrade since it is premade and you are too likely to face against same opponents at higher ratings but well it doesn’t matter to me it used to be my favourite bracket pre 3s shuffle. :smiley: so be it.

If you don’t have the time then you don’t do it. It’s called being a grown up.

Being a grown up doesn’t mean giving up on your hobbies, since I do not have as much free time like I used to have I optimize my freetime to get maximum value from it and enjoy games more despite playing less :smiley:

If anything adding it to shuffle will increase arena participation, there are many worse players than me who cannot even attempt to get it, we can get them to try this time by adding gladiator mount to shuffle.

If I decide this one is worth the grind I’ll one way or another acquire it already but I want a middleground that we can agree on for myself and for all other players.

Premade 3v3 is tryhard side of the spectrum. Shuffle was introduced to the game for people who thought finding other people to play with was a waste of time but this time there is not enough rewards to keep us playing.

I reach minimum Duelist each season but generally Elite rank but there is no motivating factor to keep playing after 2400 threshold. We need to fix this and make shuffle a place that is worth keep playing after 2400, make it more meaningful for most players.

So do I. I still got Gladiator despite playing the vast majority of my games with no voice LFG.

2400 in 3s is completely different to 2400 in SS.

The concept of ‘undeserved rewards’ is lost on a huge amount of WoW players, unfortunately.

Or, alternatively, add new, unique rewards for each bracket :open_mouth:

Solo shuffle is monkeybracket where meta has more premise and impact than actually playing good, frankly i think it needs to go entirely.


If you don’t have time for something then you can’t get it. Making it easier to get because you don’t have time is rather selfish. The mount is supposed to symbolise your skill and effort in PvP.

Soloshuffle requires different skills compared to 3s, it requires adaptation skills to different players and comps. A Challenger player on premade 3s won’t be Elite on shuffle, even if this happens it is a rare occurence 6 out of 100 situation, without rating inflation it is perhaps 1-2 out of 100.

I think 2400 rating and 50 wins above 2400 in shuffle should be more than enough for 1 mount.

Clowns who hit 2.4 in shuffle solely by luck with hundreds/thousands of games played don’t deserve any sort of glad mount.


It’d be nice if they stopped making 100% unique mounts at least.
Im glad we now got the SL-form as PvE’rs too, but arguably; Every PvPer -can- get every PvE mount, but not every PvEr -can- get every PvP mount.
To more or less extent.

I’d even argue for all of them being obtainable via Random BGs too, but I feel like some people would be offended if I push on that too much.


Well that’s Blizzard’s fault. If you ask my past mythic raids should stay relevant. Everyone’s level and gear should be scaled to that appropriate mythic raid.

Yeah, no. What they should do is rework, or reset the honor level system. Every season give the casual Bg players something to work towards and add in new cosmetic rewards.

Whether it be transmog, class/spec spefic weapons, tabards, mounts, etc. If they can add new monthly rewards for the trading post, then they can add new stuff for Battlegrounds too.

ngl… no1 cares about mounts anymore

for the most part we sit in our city and afk

Agree to disagree - I feel like that would remove majority of content for casuals, which is arguably the biggest crowd.
We need things to be easier; Not harder. (:


Except you get them after the expansion is over - meanwhile glad mounts = can’t be gotten.

Soooo, no.

Also, I wouldn’t mind them putting the mythical mounts in LFR / Normal / Whatever.
I am not about gatekeeping cool things!
I rather see people use things cause they like the looks than “Im superior” in any fashion.


Agree, solo shuffle is same RATED mode and other rated modes with only exception for solo queue without need to to have a schedule and beg others to play with you. Some people prefer SS, others prefer old arenas but it’s all falls to personal preferences and limits dictated by real life. SS should have same rewards as 3s has or SS may have it’s own unique mounts/title rewards too


agree, it should have the glad mount or a version of it maybe a reskin


Everyone can get the mythic mounts, just farm it next expansion, or even wait until a few major patches when the item level shoots up to crazy levels.


And also from all forms of battlegrounds IMO. There should just be a personal pvp rating or pvp goals wich should be obtainable trough just some random bgs or solo shuffle.

In the end premade groups will have far better coordination and thought out groups making it much easier to unlock the stuff. But i dont see why people who enjoy battlegrounds should be left out of pvp rewards since far more people play bgs than boring arenas. But nobody does rated bgs.

You won’t get a free gladiator mount, get over it. This is supposed to be an exclusive award by definition. And yes, that’s a good thing.