Make guards not attack people with no War Mode in RP Servers

Hes a blood elf illidari
Idk the illidari questline but even the Ebon blade was smart enough not to send horde race DKs to stormwind and vice versa

As an RPer I say hard no, why RP a blood elf in stormwind? Just make a night elf at that point

I wish they just removed all the cross faction stuff that stops rpers to interact with eachother without having to do 5 things to make it work

I’d rather they dealt with people who disrupt roleplay and stalk roleplayers before working on cross-faction stuff. They can’t even handle the current workload.

Oh God… Marmar wouldn’t know what to do with himself…

Besides… be grateful WoW guards don’t have Skyrim guard ai.

“Steal from some one? Yeah ok… Pay a fine and off you go.”
“Murder someone? OK pay a fine and off you go.”


First time I played Skyrim all those years ago I shot a chicken in Riverwood and even the two kid npc’s were trying to kill me

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They could add a Flag of Truce buff that you can acquire somehow. Maybe a toy that is rewarded from doing a questline where you help out the opposite faction in some way. Rescue some Hordes from a Legion prison or some such.

It would grant some access to hostile territory, probably not to Vendors or Quest Givers but guards would not attack on sight.

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Puny… you just opened the pandora’s box…didnt you? :rofl:

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Why lock the possibilites to so many creative roleplay options just because… no reason? Illidari is a force that is above faction wars, so does the Ebon Blade. It is so easy to see that they’re just written that way because of the limitations of not being cross faction before.

Just let people do any kind of RP, community will say no to the extremists and concepts that makes no sense anyway.

This reminds me on Sod situation when I ress guy because horde rogue gank him in Tanaris goblin city and guard murder me :rofl:

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I mean they already fixed it all with class order halls

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