Make guards not attack people with no War Mode in RP Servers

Because of the guards, it is basically impossible to RP as a faction-neutral character. It is so unnecessary to have this in a RP server, I can not find a single point for it. They should attack the pvp flagged players for sure yes, but why the non-flagged people? It is already a pain to RP in this game without addons, literal zero effort is given by the Blizz for us, at least make the guards don’t attack so we can expand the RP we can do.

What in the good god’s name an illidari is getting attacked on stormwind? Or a Kirin Tor mage? These are faction neutral forces in the lore lol, it is impossible to RP as them because of the dumb restrictions that they do not lift from RP servers. Pls, wake up Blizz, we also exist.

When the server is called “PVP” you understand its WM on server. When you see “PVE” you think oh okay this is a server with no flag. When you see “RP” you think oh okay this is where people go to RP and they are a “PVE” server at the same time. But… while every aspect of the game is getting improvements etc. why leaving a very caring audiance of your game behind? There is literally nothing you can do without addons as RP at this point. If not enough, because we can not change the enemy faction’s frames, it is also not possible to see people’s TRP names when they are on the other faction, so you can also check their TRP or tool tip to understand who they are etc. like please, do something lol


They should also crack down on non-RP names.


You aren’t faction neutral though. I understand you are pretending otherwise but the NPCs can only do what they are programmed to do. Entering hostile territory and getting flagged is currently working as intended.

Many still feel faction is important and so far the Devs have been reluctant to fully embrace cross faction play. Killing the opposite faction leaders is still a thing at present.

It may be that things can change in the future. We have seen the new NE city open to both sides and we are expecting Silvermoon to get the same treatment in Midnight.

We may or may not see that extended elsewhere.


It’s simple. Guards are simpletons, they look at your race and like or hate you based on that.

Not so simpletons though as to distinguish between various elven communities, despite skin colours ranging the whole spectrum now.

So technically they aren’t as much racists as body shapists or eye colorists. Just like me, I prefer the fair hair.

It is not an illidary but a demonic looking blood Elf
Sadly there is no faction neutrality in WoW and your alligance is not tattooed on your forehead
Even if it would, after numerous idiotic and pointless wars those underpaid guards wouldn’t care anyway
If it is red, it is dead - Elune/the Light will sort them

def behavior(player)
   player.warmode? ? "attack" : "ignore"

Programmed that for you :slight_smile:

Warmode is not the same as flagged for pvp. You can play on WM off and still be flagged.


A hundred times yes. Factions are dead in the water anyway, might as well let my Argent Crusader come visit Northshire. Bel’ameth is already accessible by everyone and it’s such an amazing thing.

doesn’t change the fact it can be programmed out

Having just a simple setting to set your character as neutral would be good.

I think it would have to be only toggleable in your own faction cities like Warmode though to prevent people abusing it, like entering cities in groups and then enabling it to attack when at leaders and such.

At no point has anyone said it is something the Devs cant do. They could programme us all to be pink lizards.

Its not like I didn’t give a detailed post in response.


Oh, I’d love to visit Thunderbluff and Orgrimmar with Tahra, just for the memories. :blush:

But I think it should be when you’re not ‘pvp flagged’, not warmode.
They could do a similar thing like they did with Bel’ameth, with a ‘you’re being watched’ (de)buff.

They are called Dracthyr

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They should make a warmode but for rp.
They could remove all restrictions which hinder RP.
No more guards, language barriers, capital phasing, mob aggro, playing on another server, disrupting normies etc. Whatever your heart desires.

To abolish any and all exploitation and discourage random griefers, ooc characters and such. All exp gain, quest progress, loot, reputation or similar could be disabled while in that mode.
For example.

They could even name it something clever and catchy like… RPmode.

They have the technology!


Dammit Kentarro, I almost spat out my drink


I would kill for this.

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There is lots of things you can do to make it looks like its understandable. Also, I’m pretty sure a guard would now what a demon hunter is xD

Still, it doesn’t have to make sense completely. There is ton of stuff in the game that doesn’t make sense a lot but yet it is there. For example Trading Post. It’s super forced content. Yet it is literally there.


My evoker is already a pink lizard from day one! :joy_cat:

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There should be a White Flag toy that even guards can recognize.