Make Heart of Azeroth Essences Account Bound

I love leveling alts, and taking them to various dungeons etc. But the sheer amount of work to get decent essences on multiple alts is rediculous! I’d love to see the essences made account-bound.


i can agree on that,it depends on class but for some u have to get 5-6 essences to be optimal which is sick if u have multiple chars

I agree.
I don’t want to do any content until 8.3 when my new main is out as anything I do now will be wasted.

If they were account wide I could work on stuff.
(not that I would do the hard content stuff, but still)

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Someone beat ya by a day

I’m pretty sure everyone agrees with you about this, but for some reason Blizzard think they know better and want people to farm them for every single alt because it’s totally not going to burn people out.

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We have been asking for this for a while but they said No :frowning:

The Devs don’t seem to agree with us :frowning:

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They should when this many people feel the same way about it.

The people who roll alts are those who stick around and invest more in the game. Making the game more enjoyable and accessible to those more dedicated players is a win all round.

“Don’t punish the hand that feeds.” Aka us who invest in alts and alt accounts


but then you have the high end people who would cry and cry how it is unfair

They are what, 1% of the population and probably rarely switch off their main.

I’m a mini ‘whale’, I buy store mounts (got all of them), use their paid services when needed, got some other store cosmetics, building up a nice alt fleet atm. My point there? Those who sit on one character most of the time and only log in to M+/pvp once a week and don’t spend anything on the game beside the bare sub shouldn’t be listened to too strongly.

Yeah but we all know Blizzard likes to bow down to them for… reasons?

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WoW isn’t that bad in that regard, but yes they pull more weight than they should.

When I used to play OW, I would get fed up that dev’s kept balancing out ‘nerfs’ based on how the top 1% played (over 4k rep points people.) Totally frustrating. The devs even kept email links with them, visit their private discords and other things to discuss how OW should be balanced.

I’ve not raided BfA or kept up with the changes.
But I know in legion my spec under preformed in all but mythic but in mythic it was a spec of choice so the nerf hammer came.

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I’m not sure it’s high end people per se.

Someone previously suggested having one rank lower on alts. That works for me.

I haven’t raided much either, unless LFR counts xD. Done a lot of mythics during Legion though.

This priest of mine I am posting as, apparently the spec I use to lvl it will get nerfed to the ground in 8.3. Forcing me to run dungeons to lvl 120 as a healer. Yuck.

Tbh I would take anything.
I want to play but Vulpera will be my new main and they’re not out.
Any grind I do now will be wasted.

So I have to sit and wait.


Well in Shadowlands we are not gonna use HoA so just wait for new expansion to get something alt friendly, because you are not gonna find anything in BFA like that.

agreed, i hate them and don’t want to farm them on my alts, but they are required to play the content i like.

Even though I agree that it is quite a drag for alts, how many alts can’t go with the M+ essence (instant R2 if you do a >+7) and Crucible (getting it practically for free) for “various dungeons etc.” to start with?

Trust me, people on the high end want them to be account wide as well. I really wish I could switch to my dk for azshara, but the essence grind makes it impossible.

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