Make Kael or Rommath the blood elves leaders

You make almost the same posts every week at least?
Dont feed the troll guys.

Omg please, juste let old dead characters dead. Illidan’s return was useless and I was a truely Illidari’s fan.
Kael’thas IS dead, dead, dead and dead.
Time to move on.
I would rather love a development if Lor’themar than any resurrection.

Unfortunately World of Warcraft is a game with many of a backtracking. And with the current point of lore exhaustion and Blizzard’s OG devs simply rising from their desks, walking through the exit door never to be seen again, the remaining underpaid staff that most likely is made from WoW fans just like us, is incapable of doing something new.

Shadowlands is set up to be a nostalgia trip purely for Warcraft 3 fans. Just as WoD was supposed to be for Warctaft 1 and 2 fans. I hope that SL won’t share it’s infamous fate.

Returning some of the dead heroes might be cheesy, but if written right it can be digestable. Besides such heroes could be quite nice McGuffins for the future. Imagine BlUther visiting Azeroth frequently and seeing Turalyon’s Theocratic Light crusade to “kindly” spread the faith among all non-belivers and saying “Aww Hell no”,

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