Make Last Hurrah quests more alt friendly

Doing siege on 8 chars… it’s minimum 16 h (siege is every 2h and you can do only 1 char at a time if you don’t multi-account)… Just terrible design. You can do several char in 1 cooking, and do hunt any time you want… why is siege in the quest???
At least do it like… if you do siege on 3 chars, it auto-completes on others? or let us pick alternative, like get 3k rep idk


Do you really need a group for Siege? Pretty sure I soloed it once ages ago as I had to find the way down to the last boss as nobody else was killing him.
If so, Do 1 or 2 alt a day and you’re done in a few days. It’s not like you need to do it on reset day when groups are doing it.

Yeah it especially sucks because siege is super buggy. At the very least they should remove the timer and just have them be up all the time.


I picked up the quest since it only mentioned the feast, saw it also required keep and great hunts, discarded it. With the hunts being susceptible to the stupid CRZ random swapping it didn’t seem worth going for. What’s in the box you get from the quest anyway? Useless supplies currency, a rep token and some gold?

They are all dropping another box with 480 gear in. This is just whilst it is “awakened” though.


It’s not that you need a group it’s that the event is only up once every hour and as soon as one person completes it it’s over you can’t log an alt and start it again you have to wait 2 hours


Another manufactured moan, oh no you have to play the game to get something done.

and its not 16h. It’s 5 min but only once every 2h. You don’t have to tick it all off on morning 1.


you have to play boring s1 content that is for dodos and is kinda timegated to get current season stuff, so yeah, the moan is justified.


I agree totally , for the altoholics it is really a burden, we like to play the game with several characters and all this hurdles make it really difficult, specially when they say they understand and hear us but as always they say one thing and do the opposite


Can someone tell, which activities (I mean like dreamsurges, etc), I can go to get veteran gear?

Pick up the “Last hurrah”-weekly at the usual weekly-guy in Valdrakken, the activities mentioned in that quest (Tuskarr feast, Siege, and Centaur hunt for this week) give those chests.

I found it fun to see those old events full of people again.

Not too bothered. While waiting for siege I do arena world quest and mount runs. It’s just this week anyway. Next week it will be zaralek or the dreamgrove.

I do think they should just make them all every half hour. That gives you time to log in an alt and / or travel between events.

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