Make LFR give better rewards

Yes, and?
LFR is meant to be finished fast and painless. That’s why it’s released so late compared to the other difficulties.

PS: To be clear; I don’t agree with the OP that LFR should give better rewards. I DO agree with the notion that N’zoth’s too hard for an LFR fight.

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Well, you can always opt to play it solo when it’s 2 expansions behind for the Legacy buff… :roll_eyes:

LFR is a cake walk already, you’re ignoring the fact it’s new and people aren’t familiar with the base mechanics (LFR already removes lots of mechanics that are present in Normal+). You wanting to make THAT even easier just makes me question your competence of playing the game.

LFR is a Raid, albeit I use that term loosely for LFR… not a tour. If you want the story elements there’s nothing stopping you from watching it on YouTube… What you’re asking for isn’t experiencing the Raid…

i thought wq were sealed at 420? I check every so often on my 448 mage and its never more than 420.
lfr gives 430 and 440 for the last wing? how much more do you want?

no its not, its meant to be a way to introduce people to raiding… which is exactly what it does.

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nzoth is too hard for lfr but it will be nerfed after about a month or two … like all end fights on lfr.
ghuun before nerf was lethal and tough to finish, then people understood the mechanics of having to work together and then the mighty nerf made is easy after a month or two … which is exactly whats going to happen.

here is the thread. thanks


That’s a fallacy made up by raiders.
It’s here for people who don’t want/can’t raid as an alternative.
The vast, vast majority of LFR players never set foot in any other difficulty.

Let me ask you this; if it’s an introduction to the raid… why is it released so much later than all the other difficulties? That makes absolutely zero sense.

Two things can happen:
They will nerf it.
They will wait for people to l2p.

just saying.

It actually was/is created to be an itroduction to raiding. It isnt rly but blizzard still think it is.

Gearing reasons. In the old days (legion XD) we had tier sets which did drop from lfr aswell, also titan forging/corruptions.

Again im not saying those are good reasons nor do i agree with them but that is the intend.

Probably to keep you tourists around longer, instead of disappearing after the first week. :stuck_out_tongue:

But it’s also to curb top-tier guilds from grabbing stuff from another difficulty (LFR) [remember Titanforging?] for their Mythic World Firsts I would imagine.

I’m not a tourist; only for raids.
I do other content. And if they’d just make that an interesting/viable alternative to the overstayed-its-welcome raiding, that’d be awesome.

your logic implies that gear capped players wont raid higher or do mythic 5mans etc? seems pointless to gear, for this vast majority of yours. What are they doing with this gear then? eh.

also, its a helpful introduction to tanking/healing without the pressures of elitest dirtbags making you want to quit trying. I used to dps only in lfr, now I tank and heal more than dps … It IS a training ground, and it DOES help people to work on other roles and higher challenge. Ive also just learned how to mark, something ive never done in my entire time in this game … never marked before in my life, since this game began. Have now though, im the first to offer to mark in the skitra fight now that I know how easy it is to do. Without LFr, id never have marked anything.
It IS a learning ground and it does prepare you for whats ahead … so its not a fallacy made up by raiders.

Its released late so that the focus is on being the first to finish normal/heroic etc etc. bragging rights for a certain type of person. Why is mythic released later than normal/heroic then, to follow your logic?

Nzoth is only hard because the mechanics cant be ignored.

Most ideal solution, to keep the soul of the fight, whilst still making it something that can be done with people ignoring mechanics, is to have the paranoia circles either be smaller or remove them completely. Let me be clear on this. THE TETHER DOES NOT DRAIN SANITY IT ONLY DOES DAMAGE, but overlapping someone elses circles drains sanity quickly.

I’d much rather LFR be replaced completely by some sort of solo player semi railroaded scenario, so people can experience what it’s like to be inside the raid / some of the core mechanics of the fights instead of these gutted training dummies.

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I’m not talking about gear. At all. :man_shrugging:
Last time I stepped into LFR for the gear was ehm… never (not counting transmog appearances).

Not for the vast majority of LFR players. It’s just not.

There is NOTHING AHEAD for most of the people who play LFR. :man_shrugging:

Yes. It is.

There is no bragging involved if you finish first in LFR. None.
It would probably be ridiculed even by those elitist people higher up.
So no, this is not a reason.

… Seriously?
Because THAT is the content that matters to those high end raiders.
Because they’re given some time to cut their teeth on ‘the lesser content’ before going to ‘the real thing’. Don’t ask such dumb questions man.

Like the healing part of the proving grounds but with Johnny Awesome AFKing in the corner? They might actually be able to do something like that if they repurpose the island expedition AI.

“…Raid Finder version, which we hope will introduce the thrills and epic experience of raiding to a broader audience than ever before.” -Quote from the Official Blizzard LFR release

That’s not at all what you (and some others) are claiming. ‘introducing the experience’ is not AN INTRODUCTION TO… It’s letting those who normally don’t raid, get a chance to participate in that experience. That is literally what that quote says.
So, thanks for proving my point, I suppose. :kissing_heart: :relaxed:

The main gripe I have with LFR is seeing how frankly, soulless, the encounters feel. There’s no consequence, there’s no stakes, the only danger is people’s apathy and / or direct unwillingness to do what the fight asks of them. Maybe a better way to stage it would be have doing mechanics reward the player in LFR, instead of not doing mechanics directly punish them like it would in a normal setting.

Give people a reason to actually do what the boss would otherwise require them to do on another difficulty.

I get people want to see content, I get blizzard want as many people as possible to see the things they work hard on, but just… Is there a way they can do it that isn’t what LFR currently is, discounting Nzoth?

" A Raid Finder run is a gentle introduction to the bosses, and can be educational for a player who is new to, or still learning the fight. Some important differences in boss tactics exist between Raid Finder and Normal mode, and it is especially important to remain informed of this when or if you transition to Normal mode." - Blizzard

I notice no comments on my progression. Odd that.

alright youre not even reading my postings before replying so im not going to bother with you any more.

That still doesn’t say that THAT is the purpose of LFR. It just says that it’s ‘an option’ to view it that way; which it is; BY RAIDERS. As I said.

Nothing about my claim is wrong. This quote still enforces it in fact because they clearly say ‘it can be educational’ and ‘when or if you transition’.

I appreciate you going to the trouble to find these quotes mate, but it only proves my point further.